Chapter 8

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A/N: So I realised that the seventh chapter is still about the very first day that Hermione and Harry spend at the Weasleys. So therefore I am going to skip ahead a few days, seven to be exact, to keep this story moving. Please enjoy, vote, comment, share, add to your reading lists and libraries and of course follow me, please. :)

*A week later*

For Hermione and Fred, they had enjoyed their summer together so far together. Each day they had been able to catch a little while alone with each other. This naturally consisted of them snogging. Which both of them really enjoyed.

But the person who was enjoying the summer so far was Ron. Because, he had been blown off from Hermione on several occasions. But after a week of her being there he started to get suspicious. It was a Sunday morning and Ron was determined to hang out with his two best friends for the entire day.

Since it was very early in the morning, around seven o'clock he sat alone in the kitchen. He was at the table with an empty plate of where two pieces of toast were before he had gobbled them down. Not feeling particularly hungry after that, which was very odd for him, he decided to read the day's copy of 'The Daily Prophet'.

As he flicked through the articles and pages, slowly glancing at some and skimming them, but not fully reading anything that didn't stand out, he heard gentle footsteps coming down the stairs. Choosing to ignore it he then turned to the next page to an article which was about a big statement that the ministry.

"Anything good Ronald?" A voice said from the counter behind the newspaper said. Putting down the paper on the table, he looked over even though he knew who it was. Hermione stood there with a mug, with steam coming out of it, in her hands. He shook his head at her while still holding the paper.

She shrugged, then placed the mug on the table before turning around to make herself some cereal. Ron glanced back to the paper, then to Hermione, he watched her move around the kitchen while she got the required things.

He then fully took in her appearance, she was wearing some pyjama shorts and a tank top. But on her feet were something familiar. "Hermione, why do you have Fred's socks on?" Ron asked her as she was pouring the milk into her cereal.

But she suddenly stopped and froze up as he asked her. "What are you talking about?" She turned around to face him.

"Your socks have Fred's initials on them, plus I know that they belong to Fred because Mum made made everyone those type of socks for christmas last year. " Ron explained.

Hermione blushed. "Well that explains why these feel different. I guess some of his socks got mixed up with some of my clothes that went in the wash." Ron shrugged it off and picked up the Daily Prophet again.

Hermione however breathed out, she then returned to her cereal that she had forgotten for a moment. The brunette, put away the things that she didn't need any more and joined Ron at the table.

Although she couldn't see his face she knew that he was really concentrating on an article that he was reading. As Hermione looked up she saw the front cover of the newspaper as it read 'Fudge says all is well'. There was a picture of him as well, he stood in front of a group of people including what looks to be Percy Weasley, the third oldest Weasley child.

She opened her mouth to ask Ron why Percy was standing very close to Fudge in the picture, but ended up closing it. She knew not to ask because both Ginny and Fred had told her that Percy had had a big argument with Mr and Mrs Weasley over the whole 'Voldemort coming back to life and Cedric Diggory had been murdered by him'.

The two friends sat in a comfortable silence for a few more minutes before Ron finally put the paper down and said "Hermione I was thinking of you, me and Harry hanging out today, just the three of us. All day. What do you think?"

His friend thought for a minute as she looked at and at her cereal. "Yeah all right, sounds good."He nodded in satisfaction to her. Hermione finished her breakfast and took her bowl to the sink. She waved to him as she walked up the stairs to change. As she walked up to her room on the third floor she passed the bathroom on that same level.

Knowing that she needed to brush her teeth she opened the door, which was mostly shut. Walking over to the sink and the mirror above it she saw her hair in the reflection. Some would be a bit shocked to see how bad of bed hair she got some mornings.

But this was only because her hair was naturally frizzy and all over the place. Most mornings she didn't even realise how frizzy and out of place it got.

Sighing she realised that she needed her hair brush and her toothbrush she walked back to her room, she grabbed the two items and returned to the bathroom. After a few minutes of struggle with her hair, she had tamed it down considerably from what it was before she attacked it.She brushed her teeth and as she left the bathroom, she hear voices from around the house. Most people would be up by now.

She sat down on her floor in her room next to her suitcase, not bothering to shut the door as she entered. The teenage girl chose a black tank top with white patterns all over it to wear, with that she also chose some black three quarter length leggings.

For her shoes she also chose her favourite pair of converse shoes. Hermione stood up and shut the door. Then she quickly removed her Pyjamas and changed into the clothes that she had just picked out.

Walking back out her door and back down stairs everyone was up now, most were eating breakfast and talking. The paper that Ron had been reading before was now left folded up on the table, and he wasn't in sight.

"Hermione, come on we're waiting!" Harry yelled from outside. Her eyes widened as she walked outside to see Ron and Harry standing there with a half a dozen bits of equipment with them."What the hell are you two doing with all of this stuff?" Hermione asked staring blankly at the two of them.

"We are going to have a day out." Harry said proudly. Hermione stared at the both of them, her gaze shifting between the pair.

"Okay..." She trailed off before walking up to them and put her arm around them. The trio stood there and smiled at each other. Then Ron and Harry nodded mischievously at each other. Herman screamed at the top of her lungs. Because within seconds they picked up Hermione, with Harry carrying her shoulders and Ron carrying her legs they walked away from the house.

"What the hell are you doing?" She yelled at the pair.

"Calm down Hermione. We just needed to take you somewhere, that we knew you wouldn't go unless we got you there this way." Harry said.

"Where the hell are we going Harry?" Hermione asked, sounding intrigued and a bit annoyed.

"It's a surprise" Ron said still holding her two feet.

A/N: I know it's annoying that I'm doing another author's notes in the same chapter. Anyway, this chapter, I'm going to be honest. I'm hating this one. Because there is no Fred. I promise to get back to Fremione quickly in the next one. Thanks, Chloe :)

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