Chapter 11

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As Fred and George were basically shoved out of the room they had the door quickly shut behind them.

The twins looked at the door then at each other. "Upstairs now. We need to talk" George sternly said.


Fred's expression became unidentifiable. George couldn't tell how he felt. As Fred walked up the stairs ahead of his twin, he wondered what his mum was talking to Hermione about, probably the same thing George was going to ask.

The tall flaming haired boys, walked right into their open door into their room to find there dad standing in the middle of the room, stern expression, with his arms folded.

"Fred, be honest because the fate of you being able to not fly your broomstick unless you are at Hogwarts is at stake right now." Began Mr Weasley. "So I am going to ask you once and once only, and you must answer honestly. Did you and Hermione 'do' anything in that room, besides sleeping?"

Fred held his ground, "Nothing happened. Besides sleeping"

Mr Weasley's expression hardened as he squinted his eyes, to see if there was any sign to if his son was lying. He turned to George, to see if he could tell if Fred was lying or not.

George shook his head. "He's not lying dad."

Mr Weasley's expression softened, and he stopped squinting his eyes. "Good. But Fred, for Ron's sake, keep some distance ok. As I recall and I quote my youngest son 'I like her, so you two, lay off'."  As soon as he said this, Mr Weasley walked towards the door and left the room and the two brothers.

Fred turned to face his brother. "Well is there anything that you want to dish out to me? Any more interrogation questions? Any small or minuscule details you want to know?"

George smirked at his twin. "No." He simply shook his head.

"Really. Because I thought that you'd be the one person that would want to ask the most questions and would want to know the most."

"Listen. I've heard you say that nothing happened at least three times in the last ten minutes. I don't need to be told the same thing a fourth time."

Fred tilted his head to the side and gave his brother a look of 'are you serious'.

"Listen Fred your are my brother, no my twin, no, my best friend! And I believe what you say. So merlin help you if you are lying! Because you may not have realised this but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve of things that I can do and have made that not even you know about."

About half an hour later Fred and George walked all the way down the stairs to the kitchen. There was only Mrs Weasley and Mr Weasley in the kitchen when they finished their descent. They joined their parents and are breakfast in silence.

When Fred was about half way through his second piece of toast and George was onto his first after a bowl of cereal, Ron and Harry walked into the kitchen.

Ron scowled at his brother. Sending him repeated death glares. Fred rolled his eyes in response.

The room was still filled with silence for the rest of the breakfast. The only noise made was the clinking of cutlery, someone eating food or when Mrs Weasley tried to start a conversation with someone.

Her repeated attempts with trying to start one with each person failed, since she only got nods or shaking heads, or a mumble or two in response.

For the whole time that they were eating neither Ginny or Hermione had come down for breakfast.

When Fred finished he was about to walked outside when he only realised at this point that he hadn't even gotten a shirt on!

No wonder Ron was scowling at him even more and Harry was sending awkward glances at breakfast.

Fred made a quick ascent up the stairs and went to his room and changed into some day clothes. A simple plain T-Shirt and some muggle type of pants called 'Neans' or 'Weans' or maybe 'Jeans'.

He raced back down the stairs and outside past George on the stairs, Mrs Weasley leaving Hermione's room with a tray, Mr Weasley in the kitchen still at the table reading the daily prophet and Ron and Harry talking in the lounge room.

He walked to the shed outside and opened it quickly. He then pulled out his broom and mounted it. He kicked off the ground so quickly that he raced into the sky much faster that he had thought he would.

He laughed as the rush of adrenaline kicked in. He hadn't really been practicing his flying over the holidays or even since the quidditch season had finished.

He practiced some new moves he had been hoping to try since the quidditch world cup the year before but had never gotten around to.

He raced up and down through the sky, around the house and as he went around the house he could briefly see into each window.

He saw Ron kicking some stuff around in his room. He saw Ginny climbing the stairs up the house. He saw his parents talking in the kitchen.

But the one person he wanted to see, was most likely in her room, especially since the curtains of her room were drawn close.

He flew slowly over to her window. He tapped on the window pain. He didn't hear any movement in the room so he tapped again.

This time he heard shuffling around as someone came over to the window. The curtains parted only slightly. But Fred could see Hermione's face, mostly just her left eye and part of her cheek.

"Care for a broom ride?" He offered gesturing to the flying broomstick he was sitting on.

Hermione opened the curtains and then opened the window. With some difficulty, and Fred's help, she climbed out of the room and sat on the back of the broomstick with him.

"You know you could've just gone down stairs and met me down there right?" He turned around to her.

"Where's the fun in that?" She smiled slightly.

"Hermione Granger. You surprise me." He remarked as he flew up in the sky.

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