Chapter 16

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After the successful party, and by successful I mean Ron and Fred didn't tear each other limb from limb, the rest of the school break flew by. And it was time to go back to school.

Hermione had stayed another week at the Weasley's before she said a painful goodbye to Fred (and the other Weasley's and Harry of course) and went back home with her parents. It was a bit difficult for her to readjust to her life at home, since she had stayed with so many people that were always there twenty-four-seven.

But she enjoyed the simple things with her parents. Non magic talk and non magic use most. Hermione knew that magic was an amazing gift that she had possessed, but sometimes she knew there would be difficulties with her parents being muggles who wouldn't be able to fully grasp the concept of magic and the wizarding world.

Nearing the end of the holidays, Hermione received a brown owl, at once she realised that it was the Weasley's owl. The brown owl had swiftly flown into the living room and had landed on the arm of the chair she was sitting in.

Smiling she took the letter and looked at the writing on the front of it, instantly she recognised Fred's handwriting. A wide grin had spread itself on her face. She walked to her room upstairs and the owl followed flying up there too.

It read: "Hermione, I hope that your holidays are great. I miss you a lot, I think you know that though. Any way, I need for you to have all your things packed, It was a shame that you had to go home.

But, since the new 'complications' that had occurred at the end of last year" Hermione's smile disappeared, she knew what Fred meant, she remembered about Cedric's death and You Know Who returning.

Fred's letter continued "Because of the recent events, I will be coming to get you tomorrow evening. I will be taking you to a secret location, of which, can not be mentioned in a letter incase it is intercepted.

However, you will need to have your things packed for Hogwarts, we'll be at the location until school returns. I'll be apparating tomorrow, until then I miss you A LOT! From Fred

While reading the letter Hermione had sat down at her desk in her room. She looked at the owl, nodding she realised that it was waiting for a response to go back with. Quickly writing on a piece of parchment her reply was

"Fred, I am looking forward to seeing you. Since you are apparating here, please apparate outside the front of the house. As you know, my parents are both muggles and would completely freak out if someone were to, just appear, in their living room."

She attached the letter to the owl and it flew straight out of her open window. Smiling she knew that she would have to start packing her trunk. As she let the owl fly straight out of her open bedroom window, she watched it fly off into the distance. When she couldn't see the owl anymore, she got her trunk and put it in the middle of the room.

She started to pack her necessary things for school and in general, since she didn't know how long that she would be at this 'safe house'. Soon the things in the trunk started to pile up. She had packed things like: her school books, parchment, quills, some 'light reading'.

Despite her knowing that Hogwarts had an extensive selections of books in their library, which often proved helpful from research about school projects and homework and her adventures with Harry and Ron.

Hermione also packed her school robes and spare ones, and her extra clothing. As well as those things she also packed a stash of both muggle money and wizarding money in her trunk. She wasn't sure why she did this.

Maybe it had something to do with 'You Know Who' returning and it felt a bit unsafe outside of Hogwarts, despite the ministry denying all claims of what Harry had told them. Hermione was still disgusted that they had said Cedric Diggories death was 'a tragic accident' and it was 'not' the result of You Know Who.

The brunette continued to pack her necessities for school and general. She made sure to double check that she had everything, at least three times. The rest of the day passed quite quickly, as did the next day.

And by evening she had her trunk ready at the front door, she was ready and with in moments notice she would be able to leave with her things and with Crookshanks with Fred to where ever he was taking her.

After Hermione had finished packing she, struggled but eventually, got her trunk down the stairs and to the front door. The next day flew by, just as Hermione wanted it to.

Naturally she had told her parents that she would be going to stay with friends for the rest of the holidays. Her parents looked a little disappointed when she told them but understood. "Be safe alright Hermione. Make sure that you are kind and well mannered" Her mother had said.

"Are you going to stay with the Weasley's?" Her father had asked. Hermione nodded. Both of her parents turned to each other and smiled. When Hermione had returned home she had told her parents all about Fred and her.

Around seven o'clock Hermione heard a kind of combination of a pop and a crack, come from out the front of her families home. Then only a few seconds later the door bell rang.

The brunette girl practically leapt out of her arm chair in the living room and went to answer the door. Turning the nob of the door and opening it to her, she was met with the familiar smirk of Fred Weasley.

She beamed at him and jumped into his open arms. Fred cupped her face with his hands, pulling her closer to him and then closing the gap between them with a passionate snog. "Hmm hmm." Coughed someone behind Hermione.

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