Chapter 32: Disadvantaged

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A/N: I told you guys that I would deliver the next chapter after Christmas, so how about we have it for Boxing Day? (Or at least it's Boxing Day when I write this) ENJOY!

Hermione pushed through the crowd with Ginny right at her heels as they made their way to the changing rooms. "Excuse us! I am trying to get one of my best friends to her boyfriend! It's a matter of relationship importance!" Ginny said as she maneuvered her way through everyone. 

Finally, they made it down to the change rooms, where there weren't as many people. But the to the girls' surprise, all of the Gryffindor team weren't in the changeroom. Instead they all stood near the door, with anticipation. 

It was only when the girls got closer they saw that Angelina Johnson, the teams captain, and Fred weren't in the crowd. "What's going on?" Ginny asked Katie Bell.

"Weasley has gone mental. None of us want to go near him but Angelina has gone in to try and calm him down." Katie replied, with her eyes still glued to the door.

The rest of the team was quiet and even though there was a door and walls in between them and the change room, they could still pretty clearly hear Fred yelling and a few things being thrown.

Hermione shook her head and took a brave move as she opened the door. As soon as she did she had to duck to the ground as a shoe went flying over her head and hit Alicia Spinnet in the leg. 

Hermione frowned her eyebrows and she marched into the changeroom. Fred's back was turned to her and Angelina was pointing her index finger at him, while yelling at him. "WEASLEY, I'M SERIOUS CALM DOWN!" 

"HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN YOU'RE YELLING AT ME AND AFTER WHAT HAPPENED ON THE PITCH!" He threw his hands up in the air and sat on one of the benches. 

Angelina rolled her eyes, crossed her arms then she realised that Hermione was in the room. "Maybe you will have more luck than me." She said as she walked out of the room and over to help retrieve the shoe, sitting next to Alicia. She then shut the door giving Hermione privacy to talk to Fred.

"Look who ever is standing behind me, I'm not just going to calm down. That git Malfoy said some foul stuff." He said still facing the opposite way to Hermione.

She took soft steps towards him and put her hand on his shoulder. He jumped a bit from her touched and he looked up at her. Fred relaxed a bit as he realised who it was. The brunette sat beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. 

Fred leaned down a bit and threw his head into his hands. "Hermione, if you had only heard what he'd said then you'd be as pissed as I am."

"Probably. But what did he say anyway? It obviously was something terrible if both you had George had to be help back by team members." She said, while sitting up properly to look at him.

"He made remarks about mum and dad. Foul stuff he's made of." Fred continued to use a string of curses to describe his hate for Malfoy, as he stood up and paced the room. Hermione laughed at a few of the things that he said.

"You know normally, I would say something like 'violence is never the answer', but in Malfoy's case, there are exceptions." Hermione smiled at Fred who also laughed at her remark.

"Are you okay, though?" She asked standing up and holding his hands. 

He leaned down a bit and nodded, "Trust Hermione Granger to stop my rage fit." He smiled, pulled her close and kissed her forehead. 


The quidditch players, Ron, Ginny and Hermione all sat in the common room together. They had taken up one corner of the Gryffindor common room, as they had all spread out on chairs and couches near each other. 

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