Chapter 2

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As Hermione walked up to the house Mrs Weasley was the first to greet her.

"Hermione, I am sure that I am not the only one who is excited for you to stay with us this summer" Mrs Weasley said as she ushered Hermione through the door.

"Well I am very grateful that you and your family have allowed me to be staying with your family." Hermione said as she sat down at the table in the family kitchen, leaving the door to outside wide open.

"You look absolutely famished, here let me find you something to nibble on."

"Oh please, don't make a fuss over me. I'm fine thank you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure but thank you for offering."

The two ladies were then interrupted by a tall red headed boy who casually strutted through the outside door and over to the fridge.

As he opened the fridge Hermione realised that it was Fred, still shirtless.

Soon after she noticed who was looking at the contents of the fridge, he decided against obtaining the food and shut the fridge door.

Fred turned around at his mother who was shaking her head, probably either at the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt or that he didn't take any food.

"Don't worry mum, your food is still lovely, I just decided against eating anything." He told her then kissed on the cheek.

He then turned around and realised that Hermione was sitting in the room and gave her a wink as he walked back outside.

Hermione's cheeks immediately turned red as she blushed from the sudden gesture that he had made.

Her head was full of sudden thoughts. "Am I blushing? It's just Fred... but he's shirtless. No. I never knew that he looked good shirtless."

Although her thoughts were soon interrupted by Mrs Weasley who said "Well I suppose that you would like to unpack?"

"Of course, that would be nice" Replied Hermione who shook her thoughts away.

Mrs Weasley then motioned for the girl to follow her up the tall and winding stair case. As Hermione realised that she should follow her, she took one quick look back outside the open door at Fred who had laid back down on the green grass.

"Hermione are you coming?" Mrs Weasley called from a few stairs up.

"Of course, sorry."

Hermione quickly moved towards the stairs to make her, no doubt, difficult ascent up the stair case, while carrying the heavy suitcase.

"Here, let me help you with this." Said a voice behind Hermione.

She turned around to see, the still shirtless, Fred. She smiled at him and he returned the smile.

"Are you coming?" Called Mrs Weasley who was halfway between the second and third floors.

"After you." Fred said to her, still smiling.

Hermione, nodded and walked up to meet Mrs Weasley on the stairs. She stood outside of a room door and began "Hermione this is your room dear."

"It used to be Bill's old room" finished Fred, who had managed very easily to carry the suitcase up the stairs.

"Yes. But don't worry, there shouldn't be any of his old things in here. Hopefully it is alright for you." Mrs Weasley added as she pushed open the door to Hermione's summer bedroom.

"It's quite nice, thank you." Hermione smiled while walking into the room.

"Where would you like this?" Fred asked while walking in after Hermione looked around the room.

"Just any where thanks." She replied.

Fred put her suitcase in a corner of her room next to a tall oval shaped mirror. Which he looked into and saw behind him that Hermione was staring at him.

"I should probably put on a shirt since you're here." He said as he turned around to face him.

"I'm not complaining" Hermione said while biting her lip, but immediately covered her mouth with both of her hands, and started to furiously blush.

"Of course you're not." He remarked as he winked at her and strutted out of her room and shut the door.

"What did I just say? Better yet, why did I say it?" Hermione said aloud to herself, when he shut the door.

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