Chapter 49: Epilogue

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---- 1 months later ----

Hermione lay down with her head on Fred's chest, they were in the middle of a muggle park sometime around lunch

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Hermione lay down with her head on Fred's chest, they were in the middle of a muggle park sometime around lunch. But luckily they had found a spot in the large park where there was very little people even walking past. 

They were both looking up at the sky, at the shapes that the few clouds were making. It was a warm kind of day, with a slight cool breeze in the air, pretty much perfect. Or at least Fred had used a little bit of magic to make it like that. 

This day wasn't anything special, it wasn't to celebrate an anniversary and it wasn't as if they were hiding anyone. But it was just a day that they wanted to spend together, and it was a day that was keeping Hermione's mind off the end of their school year and the events that happened at the Ministry.

"I think that one looks like a Norwegian Ridgeback." Fred pointed to a cloud that was just coming into view.

"No way, it's a Swedish Short Snout." Hermione shook her head smiling.

"Okay fine then." Fred laughed as he pulled out his wand and waved it at the sky, slowly but surely the shape of the cloud changed to have a longer snout, wider wings and more ridges on it's back. 

"Now it's a Norwegian Ridgeback." Hermione giggled. She rolled over so that now she was lying on her stomach and she was on the blanket they were lying on, next to Fred.

He rolled onto his side so that he was facing her, and they held a long moment of eye contact. Hermione noticed how chocolate brown his eyes were, and she could probably be lost in them forever. 

"I wish we could stay here forever." Fred whispered to her.

"But we can't," she sighed. "You-Know-Who has returned and someone's going to need to fight him." 

"Well I'll be fighting him anytime anywhere he wants." Fred said determinedly.

"So will I. There is no way that after the last five years of fighting him, that I am going to stop because 'all of a sudden it's too dangerous'" Hermione huffed.

Fred grabbed ahold of her hands and he sat up, "I wouldn't expect any less of you 'mione. But you know I worry about you." 

"You shouldn't worry about me." Hermione teased. 

Fred sighed and pulled her into his arms. "I always worry about you. You may be the smartest witch of your age but your still my girlfriend and I don't care if you're walking down the halls of Hogwarts or if you're fighting the Dark Lord himself, I'll always worry." 

"Me too. But we're both fighters." Hermione added.

"And lovers." Fred laughed, which caused Hermione to break into a smile too. 

He could always make her laugh, he could always make her happy, he could always make her feel reassured. To Hermione, Fred was her rock, someone to keep her grounded and someone who would be there for her. He was one of the few people in her life besides Harry and Ron who understand how difficult the last few years had been. He was someone who had always been there, even if she hadn't noticed.

In her fourth year, when Hogwarts had their ball, Fred was going to ask her to it as his date, or at least he was before Victor Krum swooped in. He was going to try and sneak in a dance that night but Ron had upset her. 

Even before that, Fred had liked her. He had always thought she was pretty, but he loved her smile most. He also loved when she would correct him, okay well he didn't love it all the time when she was correcting him but he still found it adorable.

He had always looked forward to when she would come to the Burrow. For so long, she had seen him as just 'Ron's older brother' but he had a deep yearning in his heart to be more. He wanted her to know him on a deeper level and he wanted to do the same with her. 

When they had started going out earlier in the year, Harry had cornered him one day in the halls and had taken him in an empty classroom. It was quite funny to hear the 'Boy Who Lived' try to tell him that 'she was his best friend' and 'if he hurt her in any way whatsoever' then 'Merlin so help him', because he had 'taken down Dark Lords dammit'. 

For Hermione, she had noticed something about Fred had changed in their fourth year, near the end. He started talking to her more, it was kind of out of no where, sometimes when they were passing in the halls and there was no one around her.

He would also give her little comments and compliments as he saw her around sometimes, but she'd always have to walk away. It was never because she was rude or disliked them, it was because she would always bashful and blushing over the situation. It was that and she also was developing a serious crush over Fred. 

This was so much so, that sometimes she would try to break rules, small ones not big ones because she was still Hermione Granger and she didn't have experience with breaking rules at all. This proved instantly problematic, as she would regret her actions after and would freak out, because she thought that he often missed her 'rule breaking'.

He didn't. He knew about it, and he thought it was even more adorable, but he didn't have his courage yet to say anything. She couldn't help it. He couldn't help it. They were both drawn to each other by the other persons flaws and perks. 

Hermione leaned down to him, and she closed her eyes as she felt his soft lips on hers. This was an electric feeling that if she could put in a bottle and store it forever, she would. She just wanted him and to share everything with him. His everything.

So he was her everything and she was his. Weasley and Granger. Sounds like a good match doesn't it?

A/N: Oh my god! I finally finished the book, well at least the actual parts about Fred and Hermione. I hope you enjoyed it, and hopefully you'll check out the Q and A on the next chapter. I still haven't finished all the questions yet, so be sure to hit me up in my dm's if you've got any.

But for those of you who don't wanna read the Q and A: Thankyou for reading, this book feels a bit like my baby, and hopefully you've enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

But for those of you who don't wanna read the Q and A: Thankyou for reading, this book feels a bit like my baby, and hopefully you've enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it

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