Chapter 10

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A/N: So this chapter involves Ron being a git and/or a prick. Sorry if you like Ron, it's just I didn't really know how else he would react. I mean it's not like he was going to be totally mellow with the situation.

Hermione quickly stood up from the bed and took a step towards Ron. Immediately though Ron held up his right hand for her to stop.

'How could you? I though that you were my friend!" Ron said, his voice getting louder. "I was worried that you liked Harry. BUT THIS IS TEN TIMES WORSE!" He yelled at Hermione.

Her head sunk down. Tears began to well in her eyes as she stood there. Shaking her head she mustered up enough courage to say "Ron, listen, I know what you're thinking."


"You're probably thinking that I had sex with your brother." Squeaked Hermione.

"WELL THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!" Screamed Ron. He walked towards Hermione who had tears streaming out of her eyes.

"Ron. It's not like that at all!" Fred spoke firmly as he stood beside Hermione and wrapped his arms around her to comfort her.

Ron's anger had built up even more. With a swift action Ron's hand struck Hermione on the cheek.

The next couple of minutes seemed to happen so quickly. As soon as Ron hit Hermione, Fred punched Ron fair in the nose.

Only a second later Ron grabbed his brother by the top of his shirt and tried to throw him against the wall.

But luckily for the older boy he had he feet gripped enough to the ground to make Ron's move not very effective.

In return Fred sweeped his leg, which in turn hit Ron's leg and made him fall flat on his ass.

As the boys continued to fight Hermione had overcome the shock of being slapped by someone that she was very close to.

Enraged by this, she tried to pull the boys apart. Although she failed to do this very well, she was still able to get a few punches in, to Ron's disappointment and pain, they were intended for him and he did get hit by them.

All around the house footsteps could be heard running towards the commotion in Hermione's room.

Racing into the room very quickly was George with Ginny and Harry hot on his heels.

George and Harry went straight to the two boys fighting. Harry held back Ron who was fighting him to get at his brother.

Ginny went over to Hermione, pulling her away from the boys and pulled her into a hug and the brunette finally let the tears fall.

Whereas George pushed Fred back to the other side of the room, just as Mr and Mrs Weasley ran through the bedroom door.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!!!!!?!?!" Shouted the two Weasley parents.

"Hermione is a slut and had sex with Fred!" Stated Ron through clenched teeth.

All eyes immediately turned to Fred and Hermione. The pair went as red as all of the Weasley's hair combined.

"That's not true. Yes, Hermione and I slept in the same bed. But nothing happened." Firmly spoke Fred.

Mr and Mrs Weasley's gazes switched between the pair. From Fred to Hermione, then back to Fred and onto Hermione.

"Is this true Hermione? Did nothing really happen?" Asked Mr Weasley.

"Nothing happened." Nodded Hermione as she turned around in Ginny's arms. For a few minutes the rest of the room was silent. People all took in confirmation that nothing happened.

"Well I don't believe you! You're just a slut and you know it!" Ron broke the silence.

As soon as the words left his mouth Hermione rushed over to him and landed a big punch square on his nose, this caused blood to spill out of his nose.

A very similar punch that she did to when she was in her third year when she punched, the platinum blonde haired, Draco Malloy.

She smirked then walked back over to Ginny, who also had a smirk on her face, and gave her a high five.

Harry then saw Ron was about to start arguing with the others again, he pulled a staggering Ron towards the door. Mr Weasley followed the two out.

"Fred, George, could you two please go out for a while. I'm going to have a talk with the girls." Said Mrs Weasley as she tried to push them out of the room.

As she pushed the door shut she turned around to face the two teenager girls standing on the other side of the room near the window.

As Mrs Weasley crossed her arms she said "Now Hermione dear, could you please explain what this is all about?"

"Well it started when I first got here."

"Go on dear" Edged Mrs Weasley


As Fred and George were basically shoved out of the room they had the door quickly shut behind them.

The twins looked at the door then at each other. "Upstairs now. We need to talk" George sternly said.

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