Q and A

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AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! So I actually finished this fanfic! This is actually insane. I'm so proud of myself for how far I've come in my writing, and I honestly didn't think that it would take me this long to write this story. 

But it obviously has, and I just wanna say that I'm super proud of what I've been able to produce. I'm going to be honest and say that I'm not sure of the date that I started writing this but I will just go off the date from the second chapter I wrote and say:

Started Writing: November 17th 2016 

Finished Writing: April 4th 2019

Crazy I know. Firstly, I wanna thank everyone (and anyone) who has stuck around during that time and continued reading, it means so much to me, also I wanna thank every single person who was liking, commenting and adding my story to their libraries, that means so much to me as a writer. 

And I wanna reassure you, that I have read every single one of those comments so far, because every time I get a notification about someone commenting on my story I will read it and smile a bit. 

Alright, now time for the real tea sis, the Q and A section of this chapter (these are a mix of questions from you guys, and just ones I wanna put out there from myself):

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Alright, now time for the real tea sis, the Q and A section of this chapter (these are a mix of questions from you guys, and just ones I wanna put out there from myself):

Q:What first motivated you to write 'Weasley and Granger'?

A: Genuinely, my main reason to writing this book, was because I wanted to write a Fremione fanfic that I would want to read, and to tell a story that I hadn't found written by anyone else (that and I was getting frustrated with reading the ones I was reading).

Q: Did you have a favourite chapter that you wrote?

A: To be honest I don't know if I have a favourite chapter I wrote, (mostly because I haven't reread most of my book by this point, and I have been working on it for so long). But as I think about it more, I tend to lead to maybe the first chapter, because it was really different to what I had read in other fanfics of Fremione, and that's the essence of what I wanted to do.

Q: Did you try to make your fanfic like the movie version or the book version of Order of the Phoenix?

A: I tried to make my fanfic as much like the book as I could, because it goes into more detail than the movie does. But I still did leave out somethings that were both in the movie and the book (this was near the end of the book/movie, and they were often minor things because I didn't want to do you guys dirty).

Q: Why do you think it took you so long to write this fanfic?

A: Originally, I had planned to write this book while I was reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (and by the way, this was the first time I had ever read OOTP) so I would always read through the book, then try and write about some of the events that had happened and then repeat those two steps. But unfortunately I'd read a lot, and then be overwhelmed by the amount I had read and then would have to write about.

Q: What was your method of writing?

A: My method, which I kind of explained before, was that I would read some of OOTP, write down bread dot points of the events (and their pg numbers for references, because I took this sh*t seriously for y'all), then I would expand on those points when I was writing, and I would add in a few Fremione moments here and there while still following the story line of OOTP.

Q: What was the most challenging part of writing this fanfic?

A: Again, I feel like I'm repeating myself a bit here, but it was me trying to read the book, and then write my own version of the book at the same time. So less than half way through OOTP I was getting so annoyed by the events that were going on, and when I was reading it I was like, "I have read half of this book, and they have barely even gotten to Hogwarts yet. J.K Rowling I love you, but we need to keep this show moving."

Q: Did you change your writing style throughout writing?

A: Definitely, I started paying attention to the comments more, thank you so much, and I changed my writing style some where around Chapter 20. There was a few comments about my um *coughs* use of swearing, and how J.K Rowling wouldn't write her characters like that. First of all, I had a bit of a sulk for about 30 seconds, but then I realised, "They are so right." so I decided to cut out that, and changed my writing to be more like the actual book. (Whether I actually accomplished that or not, I don't know, but for me personally I felt better about writing everything with that in mind)

So thanks to whoever left that comment. ;)

Q: Is there any you other good Fremione fanfics you could suggest?

A: Until The End - @indiantaylor

The Marriage Law - @takeavacation

"I open at the close" - @SlytherinPrincess002

Story of Us - @CatyGrace13

Fremione... - @Xo_MiaMoo101_oX

Fremione Marriage Law - @teamfremione_peeta

Fred's Secret Desire - @JadeTheFirst

Q: Would you write another Fremione fanfic?

A: I think I would. Actually yes, probably. Right now I wanna focus on projects, because I have way too many of those going on and I'm in the middle of planning and stuff. But if I have another idea for a fanfic for Fremione, I will do it. I would do another because I loved writing about Hermione, and I love the idea of her and Fred getting together as opposed to her and Ron. I think if I were to do another one, maybe I would do it on her 7th year and the war or maybe like a year or so later after the war. (Obviously I would make it so that Fred had survived, because there's no way I'm killing off that sweetie).

Q: Do you have any other fanfics in the works?

A: Holy sh*t, this is an exciting answer. Yes. That's my answer. My next project, that I will focus most on (for Wattpad, because I'm also doing stuff outside of Wattpad that I don't think I'll publish on here, as much as I might want to) is a fanfic for Bucky Barnes/the Winter Solider. I'm excited about this one because I have a few chapters written, I have a very very rough outline of the start and the end of the book, and I'm going to try and work out the rest of the story pretty soon. 

So, be on the look out for that one, and yet again I've titled that fanfic with the last names of the two love interests. :D

This is my final bit for this book, (probably, mostly yeah) so again thank you so much for reading and if you've made it all the way to the end of this chapter, THANKYOU for putting up with me rambling! 

I loved writing this book, and really it's my baby... well book baby. I'll hopefully go through and edit everything and make adjustments so that things flow a little better between the chapters in the next couple of weeks. But yeah, thanks, and please check out some of my other books. :D


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