Chapter 21

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Only hours after the Weasley children and Hermione were sharing the lollies and laughing between them, they were all called downstairs to the kitchen, by a very serious looking Remus Lupin.

All piling in quietly in the kitchen, Fred lead in first holding Hermione's hand. Mr Weasley motioned for them to be seated at the large table. He turned to Lupin who was standing near the door.

"You'd better go now Remus. Harry will need your help."

"Harry?!" Hermione and Ron outburst with concern. Questions came flying at Mr and Mrs Weasley, Sirius and Lupin who left quickly.

"What's wrong?"

"What's happened to Harry?"

"Was it the Dursley's?"

"Did someone hurt him?"

"Did... You Know Who... or his followers... attack him?" At the last question, which Hermione asked, Mr and Mrs Weasley shared a look, and avoided eye contact.

"Someone say something!" Hermione stood up, which then Fred started to pull her back down to sit in the chair again.

Finally Mr Weasley said, "Dumbledore just left. He said that Harry was attacked..." Gasps filled the room. "By dementors. Dementors attacked him."

"Where?" Spoke Fred.

"Near his Aunties and Uncle's house, unfortunately."

"What are bloody dementors doing there?" Ron asked, earning him a serious look from his mother.

"We don't know. Not yet at least, although we have our suspicions." Muttered Sirius, who stood against the wall fairly composed, considering his godson was just attacked by some of the foulest of creatures. Not only that but he was also held captive by these creatures for around ten years.

Hermione remembered back to her third year at Hogwarts when the dementors were after Sirius and had to 'guard' the school. They were horrible dark creatures, they sucked the soul out of people as part of their existence.

Dementors had a rattling breath, and ghostly flew everywhere they went. With their dark hooded appearance, it made them only more terrifying to others. Hermione snapped back to reality when Fred tapped her on the shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to her.

"Well, I it's not every day that someone like Harry Potter is attacked in a muggle populated area. As well as that the dark lord is free and probably building up a terrifying army of deadly evil and crazy death eaters."

Hermione paused to see if anyone was looking at them, but they were still all so consumed in what Mr Weasley and Sirius were saying about dementors being so far from Azkaban.

"Oh and there was something else... countless of half-bloods and muggle-borns will be absolutely terrified when they realise that one of the most powerful and evil wizards has returned and that they are his first targets... as well as me... and you." Hermione whispered really fast.

She realised Fred's expression was kind of shocked. "But other than that, I'm just peachy." Smiled Hermione in a sarcastic manner.

"You still surprise me, more and more." He winked at her and turned to look back at his father and Sirius.

"Anyway. Dumbledore says that Harry is ok. But that is only one problem." Sirius spoke to the small group of Weasley's and Hermione. "As you know, we've been watching Harry... but the wizard on watch... decided that he had a, VERY shady business deal that he wanted to follow through on." Sirius' face started to look vicious and angry. Hermione swore that she heard him growl just like his anamagus dog.

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