Chapter 25: Back to Hogwarts

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Hermione woke up early on the morning of her return to Hogwarts. She was full of energy and excitement, particularly because she was a school prefect this year. The party last night thrown by Mrs. Weasley and a few of the various Order members she knew, had meant a lot to her.

As she went downstairs for breakfast, there was already commotion in the kitchen. Eating quickly, she found that she was up and down the floors of 12 Grimmauld Place over and over again. Part way through the morning Fred and George thought that it would be a good idea to float their trunks downstairs straight from their room.

But as they did, they accidentally hit Ginny straight in the head with one of the trunks. With in seconds their mother was yelling at them..... and in turn that set off Mrs. Black's painting. Finally, after what seemed like ages they were able to escape outside of the house and on to the deserted street. Waiting for them was Lupin and Mr. Weasley.

They were talking amongst themselves while the others were getting the last of their things onto the sides of the street. "What're think they're talking about?" Fred asked leaning down to Hermione who was crouched down, checking her trunk.

She glanced across the street at the two adults who were deep in conversation. Hermione shrugged and stood up. "I don't know. But aren't you excited to go back to Hogwarts?" She asked excitedly.

Fred nodded and smiled at her, "Yeah. George and I are hoping to launch new lines of merchandise with the other students and our partner in crime Lee."

Hermione rolled her eyes and smirked cheekily, "As a prefect, you know that I'll have to confiscate anything deemed unsafe or anything that'll distract students at school."

"You're such a goody two shoes, Granger." The red head chuckled.

"At least I'm not a trouble maker, Weasley." She remarked.

Fred opened his mouth to start another sentence but was interrupted by his father. "The twins and Ginny will go with Lupin to King's cross and then Ron and Hermione will come with me." Mr. Weasley stated to the few teenagers.

"But what about Harry?" Ron asked with concern.

"He is running a bit late so he is going with your mother." Mr. Weasley said while looking around the street impatiently.

"We have to go now otherwise you'll miss the train and is standing outside of someone else's house is something muggles consider as suspicious" Lupin spoke up.

He motioned for the Weasleys to follow him as he walked off down the street. Fred waved bye and followed off in Lupins direction, behind Ginny and George.

After the four of them had rounded the corner, Mr. Weasley began to head in the same direction. "But what about our trunks?" Hermione said with concern.

"Moody is going to bring them to the station. But we also need to be there too, so hurry on." Me Weasley said as he picked up the pace.

It took them a while to actually walk through London to get to the busy Kings Cross station. But as they walked through the Platform 9 and 3 quarters wall it made it worth it. They all boarded the train quickly with Harry who was actually waiting for them there after they had said all of their goodbyes and Mrs. Weasley had hugged them all tightly.

When they were on the train and it had pulled away from the station Hermione reminded Ron that they needed to go to the prefect's carriage and patrol the other carriages on their ride to Hogwarts.

As they said their goodbyes to the others, they promised Harry and Ginny they would find them later. Fred sweetly kissed her goodbye as he and George head to the opposite end of the train.

For most of the trip, Hermione and Ron were with some of the other prefects and they also walked through the carriages making sure that everyone was doing the right thing.

Hermione helped a number of first years who were completely confused about finding a compartment. She also caught three sixth year girls sneaking trying to sneak love potions with them to Hogwarts.

But after a while, she and Ron found Harry and Ginny who were sharing a carriage with Neville Longbottom and Loony.... um.... Luna Lovegood.

She shook her head as she saw Luna reading the Quibbler. 'A magazine full of utter nonsense' Hermione thought as the pale headed girl continued to read the magazine upside down.

Together the others shared stories of their summer. Neville told them of how his grandmother bought him an extremely rare plant for his birthday.

When the train arrived a Hogsmeade station Ron and Hermione ran off to find the other prefects who helped see people safely off the train and in the right directions.

Not only were the same first years from earlier, that Hermione had helped to find a compartment, but many other first years had to be redirected by Hermione to head to the other end of the station. When she pointed them far away she noticed that Hagrid was not yelling for the new students and above the rest of the crowd, next to the first years.

"That's strange." She mumbled furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"No, what's strange is that a mud-blood such as yourself can even be a prefect l let alone be at this school." A sneering familiar voice that had tormented her since her first year at Hogwarts.

"Shove off Malfoy." Hermione glared at him.

"Or what? You'll get Potter to lie and say he knows highly special spells?" Malfoy laughed at her, and so did his cronies, Crabbe, and Goyle who stood at his sides.

"Leave her alone Malfoy," Ron said coming to Hermione's side.

"Oooohhh. Now I'm really scared. It's Weaslebee, the other prefect." The platinum-blonde haired boy mocked. "Tell me Wealse, how's your brother? What's his name? Peter... no... Pat.... no... Percy," He smirked as Ron's face filled with rage as he mentioned Percy's name.

Hermione tried her best to hold back Ron as he clearly wanted to rip Malfoy apart. "Come on Ron." She said trying to push him away from the station and to find the others who had hopefully found a free carriage.

The weaved in between the thinning crowd and found the others. "Ron, what's that pulling the carriage?" Harry asked while looking at the front of it.

"Nothing. It's just magic Harry, nothing's pulling it." Ron responded while getting into it.

Hermione sat in the carriage but Harry kept stuttering and looking suspiciously at the front of the carriage. She was not in the mood for anything for a while after having an encounter with Malfoy. A comment from Loony.... Luna, made Hermione roll her eyes as they were about to head to the castle though.

Harry had furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "Can't you see them? The horses pulling the carriage."

"Don't worry, you're still as sane as I am," Luna said with a sweet soft voice.

When the carriages stopped at the entrance to the school, Hermione smiled. The torches on the walls were all well light, the students streamed around her and everyone was excited. As they entered the Great Hall it was just as magnificent as ever with it's long tables and the ever changing ceiling that was just a starless sky tonight.

Hermione was back at Hogwarts.

A/N: GUYS WE MADE IT TO 10K!!!! I'm absolutely dying right now! This is incredible! (Can you tell I'm freaking out???!!) Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter (and hope you were bothered enough to read the A/N). They're back at Hogwarts, finally, am I right or am I right!

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