Chapter 30: The Room of Requirement

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A/N: Guys, it's Chapter Thirty! I'm excited to share this one as I know it's taken me almost a month to update. (Sorry I had a serious case of  losing interest) But I'm back with this one about the Trio and the Room of Requirement. Hope you enjoy it!

Harry continued to talk through the meeting and by the end, everyone was in an agreement of keeping what they were doing quiet. Hermione also insisted that they all write their names on parchment so they could remember who was there at the meeting.

But Hermione left out a small detail to the group that if anyone was to tell others what they were doing, they would have a large number of pimples on their faces that would truly rival anyone else's amount of acne.

After everyone had signed their name, they all agreed that that was all they had to say for the time being and Harry, Ron and Hermione would try to talk to the others about when their first meeting would be. This was when they realised that they didn't have anywhere yet that they would be able to practice their magic without attracting unwanted attention. 

So when everyone was about to leave, Hermione asked if they could all keep their eyes peeled in case they had found somewhere where they might be able to practice together. After her last sentence, Hermione said that they should all leave but they had to leave in small groups and not just as one large group to avoid curious eyes.

When most of the others had filtered out through the door Fred pulled Hermione into a corner of the Hogs Head. "So you took my joke seriously then." Fred chuckled with his hand on the back of his neck.

"Very serious. Even you turned up so obviously said something worth listening to." Hermione smiled.

"I'm your boyfriend. That basically means that I had to be here, to be supportive," He paused and smiled more, "Even if I think that you're insane." 

"Hey!" The brunette's eyes widened and she playfully punched him in the arm. Fred then faked pain and winced making them both laugh.

"What are you doing for the rest of the day?" The redhead asked her finally.

"Oh I'm completely busy with organising more things for S.P.E.W and trying to find a place for our group of whatever this is AND I have to get a new quill from Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop," Hermione said as she thought about what her day is going to be like.

"Good that means you're not doing anything important..."

"S.P.E.W is important as I raise awareness of how unfair that the Elves are being treated and..." Hermione interrupted while folding her arms.

"Kidding then. Look I've got time for you and me and I hear that there's a nice place off of Meridian Lane." He smirked. Hermione slowly unfolded her arms and her expression softened.

"I guess I can fit you into my busy schedule." She tilted her head to the side and looked to see if her friends were still there. They were, but they had packed up the butter beers and were obviously ready to leave. 

The rest of the weekend passed quickly with Hermione spending time with Fred and run and Harry searching for a place where they group good practice. At that time was short lived as Hermione found out how much homework they had yet to complete. Immediately she had told them to stop looking for somewhere and start their homework.


On Sunday, Hermione once again consulted the one place she knew she could find answers. To the library she went, she searched high and low to the many bookshelves of books about Hogwarts history and hopes that she could find I shouldn't room or a forgotten corridor where they would be ever to practice magic without prying eyes seeing them.

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