Chapter 5

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As a bludger whizzed past just missing Fred by only a few centimetres.

"That was a... really good... try Hermione." Fred said trying to encourage Hermione as he taught her how to hit a bludger.

"Oh my god! Fred I am so sorry! That almost hit you face!" Hermione said flying over on her broom to meet Fred in mid-air.

"My irresistible face, don't you mean?" Fred smirked while wiggling his eyebrows at her.In response Hermione just rolled her eyes with a faint smile on her face.

"Guys... although your lovely... but awkward moment here is... great... We should really get back to quidditch." Ginny called from where Hermione used to be in the air, about ten metres away and about five metres of the ground.

The pair looked at Ginny a couple of metres above them. Hermione shook her head "We should probably get back to working on my aim. I mean, I almost hit your head for crying out loud!"

"Yeah. You do not want to mess up this face. I mean just look at me" He smirked at her.

As Hermione flew up to meet Ginny, Fred watched her as in his opinion, Ginny was explaining quidditch all wrong.

He shook his head at this, as he flew up to meet the two girls.

"Um Fred, I think I've got this in the bag, so if you don't mind I can teach Hermione."

"Oh really? Care to show off your skills then little sister?" He scoffed.

"Oh! Any time... any place. Big brother" Ginny said trying to be more intimidating.

"Actually I would like to see you two siblings play quidditch. One on One" Hermione chimed in.

The pair of siblings turned her and said simultaneously "Let's do this."                                                                                    ---------------
It was about an hour later after the two siblings had decided to agree to have a "quidditch face off".

But finally the two siblings had returned from an hour of "preparation".

Apparently when the Weasleys accept a challenge... they go full on out.

After Ginny had accepted the challenge she walked back into the house all the while dragging Hermione by her left arm.

Before Ginny had even started climbing up the stairs Fred yelled from outside "It's on little sister!"

Instead of Fred going inside he called to George, who walked out of the kitchen with a mug in his left hand that he was drinking from.

"What's your plan Freddie?" He asked his twin.

"Oh, I have a few ideas, I just need your help though" Fred replied with a smirk spreading over his face.

Ginny had reached her room and shut the door just after Hermione was dragged behind her.

"Ok, so what is your plan Gin?"

"I have no idea."

"Why do you not have a plan. I mean you are the one that agreed to this 'face off' against Fred"

"I know but I just decided on my plan. It is just to keep hitting him with the bludger so that he loses sanity and then when he regains consciousness I'll tell him that he brutally lost and that he must never question my skills ever again."

"So you have absolutely no plan at all"

"Yeah basically."

*Back to present time now*

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