Chapter 34: Bewitched Snowballs

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A/N: AYE! Double update peeps. I'm hoping to finish this fancfic this year. I realised today, that I've been working on my Fremione Story for just over a YEAR! Wow, what at writing journey it's been for me so far. I hope that some of you have enjoyed it so far as well!

Later after lunch, Hermione decided that she would revisit Hagrid to put more emphasis on how he should take his classes in more of a 'tamer' kind of direction. She asked Harry and Ron if they wanted to join her but the both declined due to the fact of their piling mountain of homework they had to do.

When Hermione knocked on the door of Hagrid's hut, there was no answer. She knocked again, and waited for a while. Huffing, Hermione did not particularly wait outside in the snow, so she pushed the door slowly open, while calling out Hagrid's name. As she looked inside, she found that not even Fang the blood hound was there.

She shook her head and walked back outside and around to the back of the hut, to see if he was there. He wasn't. Hermione barely saw it, but her keen senses noticed that there was a pair of foot prints leading into the dark forrest. But the foot prints where soon gone as fresh snow began to lay onto of the large foot prints.

Hermione was about to turn back and walk to the castle when she heard the familiar deep voice of Hagrid behind her. "Hermione!" He said as he clambered through the edge of the forrest and over to her. "Come on inside out of the snow." He said leading her inside.

Like usual Hagrid put on a pot of tea and got out large and mismatching mugs for him and Hermione to use. He poured the drinks and sat at the table with her. "There that ought to warm ya up." He smiled while gulping down some of the tea.

They sat at the table for a while, Hermione kept bringing up how he should take more care with what he teaches them in his upcoming lessons because Umbridge will come and check his classes. Hagrid just brushed off her ideas of their class doing more writing type lessons here and their instead of bringing in live creatures. This was mostly because she didn't feel like going to the Hospital Wing because one of the creature liked the taste of wizard.

After a while, the book worm knew that this was getting her no where and told Hagrid that she was going back to the castle. Despite her goals about not letting Umbridge have the satisfaction of getting Hagrid fired, Hermione also had something on her mind regarding Hagrid. 'Where was he getting his injures from?'

She thought about it, as she walked through the snow up the path to the castle. 'He said they weren't from the giants. He told her not to worry about them, just a few cuts and bruises. Even though a busted eye, cuts on his face and dried blood were not just nothing.'

When Hermione was about to walk through the large front doors of the castle, she noticed two mischievous boys running around the side of the castle. Weasley twins, Hermione knew. For a moment she debated on whether she should ignore whatever they were about to unleash on some unknowing person or should she follow them and see what they're up too.

Hermione decided on the second option. Hurrying through the snow, she pulled her beanie further down her face in an attempt to keep her warm. For a moment Hermione thought that she had lost the twins but then she heard snickers on the other side at the foot of Gryffindor tower.

Cautiously, she poked her head around the side of the building to see the twins hunched over the snow. Both of them were snickering and had their wands pointed at the snow before them. Hermione raised an eyebrow in confusion, what was so interesting about that particular snow?

Then a second later, Hermione saw some of the snow transform in snow balls. But it was when the balls started to float into the air that really made Hermione look with wide eyes. Her mouth opened as if she was about to ask a question, but no words came out. Then both of the twins looked up at a window on the, and started to pelt it with the bewitched snowballs.

Soon Hermione saw someone open the window to yell at them, but Hermione instantly knew that was a mistake. As quickly as the window had opened, who ever had opened it found themselves pelted with the snowballs. The twins laughed hysterically as the student shut the window, Hermione half smiled as she shook her head and began to walk back to the castle.

She had only walked a few steps when she felt something hit her head. Hermione froze up as she felt something cold slide down the back of her neck, fearing the worst she touched the back of her head. Holding it up to her face she was relieved to find that it was only snow she was hit with.

"Wait, what?" She said confused. Hermione turned behind her and saw the two Weasley twins doubled over in fits of laughter.

Anger built up with in Hermione, then she realised what she needed to do. She grabbed out her wand and she too quickly conjured up a number of snowballs. While the twins were still busy laughing, she took her chance and sent them flying at the pair of flaming haired boys.

Quite a few of them hit each of the twins in their faces and stomachs, and as soon as they did, their laughter stopped. When all the snowballs dropped to the ground, the twins shared an evil look together.



"Shall we?"


Hermione's smile from hitting the twins disappeared quickly as she saw them internally plan. "Oh no." She mumbled to herself. On instinct Hermione ducked right behind the closest tree, in an attempt to find cover.

With in seconds, the brunette felt a number of objects, hit the other side of the tree. With out looking behind her Hermione, re-conjured snowballs and threw them behind her. This pattern went on for a while. The twins would shoot some bewitched snowballs then Hermione would do the same in retaliation.

Then finally, the twins decided to split up. Both took sides of the tree and had snowballs flying straight at Hermione. They did it so fast that she didn't have time to put up a shield charm or anything to defend herself with.

Eventually all three of them were on the ground laughing at the amount of snow that they had been able to relocate around the tree. In the end it didn't matter, no one really gained anything. But a few lucky shots meant that some snow had found it's way down the back of Hermione coat and onto her neck. She shivered at the feeling of the melting snow down her back.

Soon the tree wasn't doing much, in ways of preventing the snow from drifting down and sitting on their robes, earning them all a layer of fresh snow. Hermione stood up and shook herself off, she reached her hand out for Fred to grab so she cold pull him up. He took it happily and brushed off his robes from the snow.

"Is anyone going to help me up?" George asked impatiently.

Hermione nodded and reached out a hand, then Fred shoved out one of his for his twin to take. George took both their hands and pulled them both so hard that Hermione and Fred fell back into the snow.

Face first in the cold snow, Hermione began to laugh. She rolled over onto her back and made a snow angel. With Fred next to her, he saw what she was doing and copied her. Eventually they both sat up in the snow and Fred pulled Hermione into a hug.

"Ahem. If you two are getting lovey-dovey over here, I'm leaving." George interrupted.

"It's fine George. I'm leaving, I was going to see Harry and Ron in the Common Room anyway." Hermione shook her head as she stood up properly this time. She waved goodbye to the twins, and she walked back to the castle again, this time she was more aware of any possible bewitched snowballs headed her way.

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