Chapter 26: Umbridge

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"Unbloodybelievable" Ron complained to Hermione.

"Ron, we can't say things like that in front of the first years." Hermione shushed him and looked behind her at the many new first-year Gryffindors. They began to ascend up the ever-changing staircases of Hogwarts, after having the large and delicious start of term feast.

This is was actually one of the things that as a prefect Hermione had always wanted to do, welcome the new Gryffindors into the common room and take them be a good role model for the younger students.

"Hermione, they're first-years, who're they gonna tell?" Her redheaded friend shrugged. "Anyway, as I was saying... it's stupid. Why does the ministry have to come poking into Hogwarts' business?"

"Because, like I said already... Fudge doesn't fully trust Dumbledore. He seems to have it in his head that Dumbledore will try to take the job for Minister of Magic right from under Fudge's feet."

"So Fudge sends that toad-like woman to Hogwarts..." Ron looked around and lowered his voice, "He sends her to Hogwarts to spy on Dumbledore."

Hermione simply nodded with a grave look on her face but realized they were still leading the new Gryffindor students to the common room. Turning to look behind her and Ron she said loudly, "Gryffindor students keep up, quickly please."

As they entered the common room, which she and her friends had spent so much time in, she heard the gasps and 'ahhs' of wonderment from the group that they lead. Turning to face the students, Hermione pointed in the directions for which they would go to find their dorms.

Hermione followed up some of the first years to the girl's dormitories after she waved goodnight to Ron. When she walked through her dorm she saw the other familiar girls. Parvati and Lavender were actively discussing something on Lavender's bed, but as they saw Hermione in the doorway they ceased speaking.

The brunette walked in and over to the empty bed with her trunk at the bottom of it. She nodded to the others and asked the usual icebreaker questions, 'How was your summer?', 'Did you do much?', 'Did you go anywhere?', 'Any good looking boys this year?'.

She got some responses of, "Yes it was a good summer. My aunt and uncle and cousins stayed with us. We were glad for them to go after a couple of days of us all in our house."

"Just the usual boys again this year. But (so and so) is looking better than when they were here last year."

"I just stayed at home, not much happened. Went to Diagon Alley a couple of times." Pavarti said, "Actually I saw you there too." She pointed out.

"Oh really?" Hermione asked as she was in the process of retrieving her pyjamas from her trunk.

"Yes, in fact, I saw you with a tall redhead looking very cute and cosy," Pavarti smirked as the others gasped and had their attention directed to this news.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Hermione gulped looking at the other girls.

"Who was it?" Lavender edged her friend to spill the information.

"Fred 'well quidditch toned body' Weasley," Parvati said in a dream state-like voice, while the other three gasped loudly. There was also a chorus of, "Oh my god!" from all of them as well.

Shaking her head in embarrassment Hermione changed her clothes and jumped in her bed. She said aloud to the others goodnight as they all continued to talk, but their voices quietened.

The next day, the first of the school year, Hermione had rather wished she had stayed in bed. When Hermione joined her friends at breakfast, they received their timetables from Professor McGonagall. Hermione's timetable showed what seemed like the day was going to be longer than what it should have been.

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