Chapter 44: An Unforgettable Exit and O.W.L's

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Some how, Harry's story about last night had gotten around the entire school before lunch the next day. As well as the story going around the school, there were also Ministry notices everywhere saying that Dumbledore had been replaced by Umbridge as the Headmaster of the school.

As the Golden trio were walking down the hall they had had a run in with Umbridge's "Inquisitorial Squad". Which were really just Slytherin's who were given a shiny silver pin with an "I" on it and were able to take points away from any student in Hogwarts.

Of course the trio had run into Malfoy, who hadn't even battered an eyelash when he took almost fifty points away from the three of them. After Malfoy and his crony friends walked away, Fred and George came down the stair cases. "Had a run in with Umbridge's cronies have you?" Fred shook his head as he slung an arm around Hermione.

"This is absolutely ridiculous." Hermione huffed.

"I know. One of the Inquisitorial Squad members tried to take points off of us." George said as they all looked at the point counters in the Great Hall, as many of them were losing points except, of course, Slytherin.

"Tried to?" Ron laughed.

"That was until we shoved him in the vanishing cabinet." Fred added.

"Normally I'd be the first to object here-" Hermione started, which caused everyone to look at her with confusion. "But today, I'm turning over a new leaf since the Ministry is so corrupt and now this whole points system is corrupt too."

"I knew you'd come around to our way of life sometime or another love." Fred smiled proudly.

Then the twins started speaking in quieter voices, as they explained they didn't care about staying at Hogwarts anymore. "You all better get into the Great Hall for this next part." Fred said, as he and his twin tried to push them through the Great Hall doors.

"We don't want them to think you had anything to do with this." George added.

"Fred whatever you're about to do..." Hermione said as she turned around to him. "Just make sure you get Umbridge where it hurts." She smirked.


Almost ten minutes later, there was a loud bang in the hall. Students all around the hall looked up from their food and stopped their conversations. Hermione turned to Ron and Harry, "You don't think..." She trailed off.

"Oh I don't think. I know." Ron smiled, as another loud bang and other explosions emitted from outside the hall.

Quickly everyone started to make their way to the doors to see what the commotion was. All three of the trio pushed through the crowd to get a better look. In the hall was what appeared to be a large amount of enchanted fireworks. Fireworks of all different kinds were going off, even ones that were giving the appearance of dragons, a few that were bats and the rest were the expected conventional fireworks.

 Fireworks of all different kinds were going off, even ones that were giving the appearance of dragons, a few that were bats and the rest were the expected conventional fireworks

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