Chapter 19

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A/N: If ya want a song choice to listen to this chapter, mine is: Christina Perri - A Thousand Years. Enjoy. :) 

A week or so later, Hermione woke up to two people, whisper arguing. "No, you cannot wake her up now. I won't let you!" One person said raising their voice, a girl's voice it was. 'Probably Ginny,' Hermione thought.

"Ginny listen to me," Another voice said. Hermione's suspicions were confirmed it was Ginny. "She's been coupled up in this house ever since she got here, it's not fair. Besides, it's never just the two of us."

There is silence for a few minutes, between the two as the second person, who Hermione had realised was Fred stopped talking.

Hermione said, shocking the two of them, "I too would actually like to get out of this house."

"You see even she backs me up." Points Fred to reason his point with Ginny. She sighs and rolls her eyes at her older brother. "Fine. I give you MY blessing. BUT.... good luck trying to get out of here without Mum letting you." She smirked at Fred's realisation, his smile fading as his brain clicked at what Ginny meant.

Hermione sat up in her bed but pulled her sheets up so they were still covering most of her body. "Well, maybe we don't have to tell your mum where we are going." Suggested Hermione. Both Fred and Ginny wore the same expression, they were absolutely shocked at her suggestion.

But soon Fred's expression changed to a very large smirk. "You know, I thought that I knew all about you. But you continuingly are surprising me." 

Hermione grinned at Fred, and she began to blush. But they both then looked at Ginny, with questioning looks. "Ok okay. I will vouge for you guys. But only because Hermione is like my best friend and Fred you are one of my favourite brothers."

All three of them shared a small chuckle at Ginny's words. "Okay, so when do you want to leave?" Asked Fred, glancing at Hermione. "Also... where do you want to go?" He added.

Hermione thought for a moment, "How about after lunch. That way she will have at least seen us today. After that Ginny will need to answer any questions people have of where we are."

"Um... yeah. You see... I was just thinking, that if I say you two are together somewhere in the house and people look for you and they can't find you... well... some questions may be... raised." Ginny said turning a vibrant shade of pink. 

Hermione and Fred caught on to what Ginny was saying. "We'll get George to help too." The pair of them said in synchronisation. They agreed that they would also need George's help to make sure that no one find's out that they had left 12 Grimmauld Place. 

After looking around the house for a little while and telling George of their plans to sneak out for a while, he quickly agreed to make up excuses to people for where they were. A few hours later and they had had a nice lunch of sandwiches with Lupin, Sirius, Tonks, the other Weasley's and a couple of other Order members who were there at the time.

Hermione and Fred were about to sneak out of the front door when Sirius walked down the hall to them. "Don't worry, I already told Ginny and George that I wouldn't tell Molly. It's just that you two probably didn't know but, you need an invitation to get back into this house." He said to them, causing Fred and Hermione to look at him sideways in confusion. 

"What I mean is that you both obviously know that this house is well protected and has many charms and enchantments on it. So you need a special kind of invitation or some way that allows you to get back inside. I basically have to write down on a piece of paper, since I am the one that owns the house, that I will let you back inside." He finished. 

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