Chapter 36: Thankyou Mistletoe

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Hermione soon learnt that Hagrid's methods of teaching were the least of her problems. The following weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays, she and Ron had increased responsibilities as Prefects.

As Prefects they had to help some of the professors put up the festive decorations that would normally cover the halls of Hogwarts. The decorations would successfully get people ready for the Christmas season.

One afternoon on a Friday, Hermione found herself and Ron in the Great Hall with the other prefects, two hours before tea was supposed to be served. Professor McGonagall stood in front of them, along with the other house professors. Professers; Sprout, Flitwick and Snape.

The Prefects were either sitting at the tables or they were standing near them. Hermione and Ron were representing Gryffindor. Hannah Abbott and Ernie MacMillion were there, from Hufflepuff. From Ravenclaw, there was Padma Patil and Anthony Goldstein. Finally, Gryffindor's rivals, the Slytherin Prefects were Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson.

Each of the teachers stood in front of the head table, and Professor McGonagall began to speak to the group of fifth years. "We have convened you all here this afternoon as it is time to transform the Great Hall to show a different kind of magic." She smiled.

"Yes, to the side you will see a number of boxes containing decorations that must be placed on the tree and around the room." Professor Sprout continued.

Hermione looked to the left side of the room, they were right. But there were many many boxes of decorations, seeing as how Hogwarts is such a big school, this did seem to make sense to the bookworm the more she thought about it.

"I don't see a tree." Pansy Parkinson interrupted.

"That's because Hagrid hasn't delivered it yet." Professor Flitwick squeaked.

Almost as if on cue, the doors to the Great Hall burst open and in walked Hagrid, covered in a layer of fresh snow. Behind him he was dragging a very large chopped Christmas tree. "Is this alrigh' fur ya?" He called out as he continued to drag it through the middle row in between the house tables.

"Thank you Hagrid." Professor McGonagall nodded to him, then she returned her gaze to the Prefects metres in front of her. "Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout have elected to supervise and help. While Professor Snape and myself have other house businesses that have to be attended to this afternoon."

Ron leaned over to Hermione a bit, while they sat at one of the tables. "Snape doesn't look overly upset that he's missing out on putting up the Christmas decorations." He snickered.

Hermione shook her head and glared at her friend. Instantly he sat back and threw his hands up in defeat. The Professors continued to talk to the Prefects, giving them al a few instructions on how they wanted the Hall decorated.

Soon Hermione found herself with the rest of the Prefects, spread throughout the Great Hall. They all worked in their pairs from their houses.

The Ravenclaws were tasked with decorating the floating candles and setting them in mid air above the tables. The Huffelpuffs were hanging tinsel and wreaths around the walls. At the other end of the hall, the Slytherin were decorating around the large door archway.

While Rona and Hermione found themselves floating large various colours of baubles onto the Christmas tree, that Hague's had brought in earlier, that was set up.

It took them all a while. But the end result was truely magical. Hermione had always found the Great Hall decorations for Christmas to be the most beautiful display put on by the school in their bewitched dining hall.

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