Chapter 40: Finally Christmas

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A couple of days after Hermione had managed to drag Harry out of his pitiful slum, Christmas came. All throughout 12 Grimmauld Place, Christmas cheer filled its walls, which seemed to be a big change compared to what it was like for the last decade or so according to Sirius.

Tinsel, ornaments, a giant tree in the kitchen, Christmas hats and beards were even put on some of the elf heads that were mounted on one of the walls of the old house. On the actual day of Christmas, Hermione woke up early, like she usually did.

As she sat up in her bed, she saw Ginny smiling and she was beginning to unwrap the presents at the end of her bed. Hermione looked to Ginny's right, at the end of her bed, to see a pile of presents there too.

The brunette jumped out of her bed and started to unwrap her gifts. From Harry, she got a book called, 'The New Theory of Numerology', of which she had wanted for a while.

From Ron, she found a strange looking warped cylinder bottle, that when she unscrewed the cap and sprayed its contents, did she realize it was perfume. Mind you, it was a perfume that had a matching unusual scent that matched the bottles' strangeness.

Similiar to her other years of knowing the Weasleys, Hermione also received a colour woolen sweater, it was maroon and gold with a large H in the middle of it. The brunette smiled as she held it in her hands, Mrs. Weasley always thought of everyone.

Hermione continued to open her other presents, from her parents she got some muggle book classics and a long letter from her parents which they included some photos of them that they had taken of themselves recently and their family cat, Mittens, which her parents recently got as they missed Crookshanks' presence around the house.

Ginny saw Hermione looking at a photo of Hermione's parents and came over to look at it as well. But the redhead couldn't understand why muggles didn't have moving pictures, "Very strange Muggles are." Ginny had said to her.

Finally, Hermione got to one of her last presents, a smaller one, but as she looked at it her stomach filled with butterflies, it had Fred's handwriting. She opened the present with great anticipation. Inside was a necklace with a simple love heart, and a matching pair of earrings.

Then as she thought that was it, out slipped a note which read, 'Hermione, I thought that I would try to get you something less dangerous for Christmas. Don't worry, these don't explode, or cause a bad reaction, well they might cause people to be jealous but I think that's worth it. Hope you love them 'Mione. Love Fred'

She smiled brightly at Fred's gifts, and quickly she put the necklace and earrings on. "I'm hungry, let's go downstairs," Ginny said, wearing her Weasley sweater and she headed to the bedroom door.

Throughout the morning up until lunch, most of the time was spent in the kitchen, with people comparing gifts, Fred was beaming at the fact that Hermione had bought him a bunch of assorted things from Zonko's.

Just before lunch, Hermione pulled Fred into the hall saying that she actually had the second part of his gift there. She shut the door to the kitchen and pulled him to the second floor, the bookworm waved her wand without looking, then as she put her wand in her pocket, she looked above them at the ceiling.

There sprouting through the ceiling was a small plant of mistletoe. "You know you're not the only one who can learn that spell?" She smiled at Fred.

"Should've known I couldn't pull one over you," Fred smirked at her, as he leaned closer and pressed his lips against her in a sweet kiss. Christmas day was looking even better for Hermione now.


After lunch, the Weasleys, plus Harry and Hermione went to visit Mr. Wealsey in St. Mungo's hospital. When they all arrived, they found that the hospital had also been decked out in festive decorations and it was less compact with people unlike what they had experienced last time they were all visiting.

When they walked into Mr. Weasley's ward, they crowed around him and gave him his Christmas presents, which he quickly unwrapped. But Mrs. Weasley's eyes were caught on his bandages and asked why they had been changed a day earlier.

To which Mr. Weasley awkwardly replied with something about him and a trainee Healer were trying to see what kind of help the Muggle medical procedure of 'stitches' would have on him. It didn't plan as well as they had hoped, with it making no difference.

As soon as Mrs. Weasley heard he was trying this, she really blew her lid, which made everyone scamper out of the ward. Fred, George, and Bill raced out and claimed they were looking for some 'tea'.

By the time Hermione, Ginny, Harry, and Ron had gotten out of the ward, they could hear Mrs. Weasley still raising her voice even though they had started to walk through the hall. They had also found that the three brothers had already run far off down the corridor and they weren't in sight.

The four of them tried to roam the halls looking for the tea room, which Harry said he remembered being on the first floor, from the main desk signs. They found themselves just outside of another ward that was titled, 'Spell Damage'. They were about to turn back the way they came but their attention turned to see someone very familiar standing outside of one of the doors of the ward.

It was none other than Professor Lockhart, Hermione, Harry and Ron's second year Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, who ended up losing his memory.

A/N: Yeah I know guys. I said there might be a second update this week, but there wasn't. Sorry. Look I've been a lap trying to get a winter Soldier Fanfic off the ground, I've got plans guys...

But don't worry, I'm going to continue the weekly updates of Weasley and Granger. Let's just hope I can juggle multiple books and other stuff in my life.

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