Chapter 13

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A/N: Woooohoooo! I just got over a one thousand reads! Guys that is insane! Thank you so much for reading, it means a lot. Without further a due, here is the next chapter 

The rest of the day passed quite quickly. Apparently, Ron had told Harry about the so-called 'quidditch face off' to which Harry had then gone and told Ginny.

Knowing Ginny, she knew this was going to be good so she ended up spreading the word to the rest of the family. She even sent letters to let Bill and Charlie know what was going on at home.

With a quick response from Bill, he replied to Ginny saying he was going to try to get time off work to allow him to come at see it. 

Like Bill, Charlie had replied pretty quickly but in his letter, he said that he was back in Romania with his dragons. So as much as he wanted to be there he couldn't. 

George was probably one of the most excited too, he was pretty sure this was going to get rough. Not just because they were having a quidditch match but because they would probably be hitting bludgers harder at each other and they would be targeting each other. 

When Ginny had told Mrs Weasley, she just said that they were going to play a quidditch match that afternoon, she knew that her mother would freak out and probably stop them from playing if she knew the real reason behind it. 

Around six o'clock George and Harry began to set up the goal hoops. They were the ones to do it since Ron had been not talking to anyone and couldn't be found for the last hour. And Fred didn't help because he was practicing his flying all afternoon.

Whereas Ginny and Hermione had been trying to find as much medical supplies and brushing up on some repairing spells

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Whereas Ginny and Hermione had been trying to find as much medical supplies and brushing up on some repairing spells... just in case they decided to go too far.

And Mrs Weasley had been bustling away busy in her kitchen trying to cook some food and she was preparing something special for the winning team. But she wouldn't tell anyone what it was.

6:30pm. It was time for the game to begin.

Hermione, Ginny and Mrs Weasley came out of the house together. Mrs Weasley conjured up magical chairs, enough for every person there. 

As she did so though, everyone turned to look at inside the house, they all heard banging and clanging and people shouting and they moved around in there, it sounded as if they had knocked over dozens of pots and pans. 

But after a few seconds of hearing this Mrs Weasley raced in there to suss out what was happening. All the others could hear her yelling "What in merlins beard are you two doing?! Quickly move around everything and go out side, they're all waiting to start!" 

Everyone outside had a puzzled look on their face, "That must be Bill!" Ginny said turning to Hermione. They both looked back to the house, to which two people stumbled out of. Both were covered in flour, from head to toe. 

A second later Mrs Weasley walked out after them. With a flick of her wand, both looked normal again. The could now be recognised as Bill and surprisingly Charlie. 

"Charlie aren't you supposed to be in Romania or something?" questioned Ron with raised eyebrows.

To which Charlie threw up his arms in the air, "Thanks Ron for making me feel so welcome. Yes, I was in Romania but Bill appeared and before I really knew what was happening, we landed in the kitchen, where we ha a great battle with a few sacks of flour."

"We obviously won." Added Bill. 

"Well I'm glad that we cleared that up. But if you lady's are finished gas bagging then we do have a quidditch match to play." George intervened. 

After a quick flip of a galleon from Hermione, Fred won the toss picking heads. He winked at Hermione who blushed and smiled. But this only infuriated Ron, who furrowed his eyebrows and his eyes started to twitch. 

After Ron and Fred quickly chose teams, Ron has Harry, Charlie and himself on one team. Whereas Fred's team consisted of George, Ginny and himself. Bill however had volunteered to be the umpire for the match since someone who had a good knowledge of the rough game. 

"Mount your brooms please." Bill called out to the teams. All players mount their brooms. Hermione stood back closer to the house with Mrs Weasley. She put her hand up to her face and started to chew on her nails. She was nervous, and for good reason. 

One of her best friends of five years and her boyfriend were about to play one of the most dangerous sports in the wizarding community. Quidditch. "Since we have limited players for this match, there will be no seekers, one beater and one chaser. As well as always; one keeper. The first team to fifty points wins. Any questions?" Called Bill. 

No one answered him. Tension was to high. All players had their game faces on. Especially Ron and Fred whose glares had not stopped since the teams had been decided. Ron tilted his head left and right making his bones and joints emit a cracking sound. Fred cracked his knuckles and furrowed and squinted his eyes in response. 

Bill flew up into the air on his broom, with the quaffel in one had and he struggled to hold the bludger in the other. He looked to both teams on each side, nodding to each captain. "Guys, try not to kick each other's asses to much. She still wants you guys in one piece at the end." Bill looked down at Hermione who gulped and gave a small wave up to the wizards and witch up of brooms.

 "Ready? Set? Quidditch!" Bill almost screamed releasing the bludger and throwing the quaffle high in the air. On Fred's team Ginny swerved up to grab the quaffle before Charlie had the chance to. With the bludger coming straight at Harry he hit it with his bat which ricochet straight near George's head, who was guarding the hoops as keeper.Fred saw it and acted within seconds as his instincts kicked in.

 He raced the bludger hitting it away from George, only meters before it would've hit George. Down the other end of the pitch was Ron, ready for action and to stop any incoming goals from the other team, as keeper.With the quaffle still in Ginny's possession she advanced rapidly down to Ron's goal posts. He readied himself. Charlie gained speed on her to, but as she aimed to shoot for goals, Charlie speed even more. 

She looked back to see he was only a meter or two behind her, she had to shoot from there.It really happened in slow motion. Ginny threw the quaffle as hard and as fast as she could. Ron saw it racing towards him. It was thrown to land in the right goal post. Ron moved toward the quaffle, stretching out his arm as much as he could.

But it wasn't enough.He saw the quaffle slip just past the tips of his finger nails. It then bounced on the ring of the goal post. All of the other players, Bill, Hermione and Mrs Weasley held their breath as they watched. After one bounce it went into the goal post, scoring.

Ginny raced around on her broom screaming in excitement, high living George and Fred who were at the other end of the pitch. She flew down to the ground and hugged Hermione who was beaming at her. "Way to go Gin!" Mrs Weasley and Hermione said at the same time.

"Thanks. Feels good to get the first one!" She said quickly.

"Gin quick get back out there and get the others okay!" Motioned Hermione to the other players waiting up in the sky meters above.

"Oh you know that I'm going to kick all their asses right?" Whispered Ginny in Hermione's ear so her mother couldn't hear what she was saying.

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