Chapter 15

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A/N: Told ya the next chapter would be up soon. Also personally this was a bit cringe to write, hope ya like it though. PLEASE READ THE AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END AS I GIVE CREDIT TO ANOTHER AUTHOR!

The next day meant that everyone was busy helping getting ready to have everyone around. Mrs Weasley bustled here and there. No one saw her sit down, or even stop for that matter, for a moment all day. She kept mumbling to herself "To much to do. Not enough time. So many people coming".

Because she kept saying that when people tried to talk to her or even walked past her, they would help her with whatever she wanted. From putting up the tents and chairs outside to cleaning any pots and pans that she had used but not cleaned and needed to reuse. Or if she needed help with the yard presentation or something like that.

Fred and Ron had kept their promise all day. If one of them was in a room and the other one would walk in there, one of them would leave. But if they were in the same room they wouldn't be for very long, and they would be giving each other looks that were murderous.

When the sun started to set some witches and wizards started to arrive. Some apparated, some flew in, some even took the fire place. What ever way they come, there were still many that came. Hermione ended up walking around with Ginny most of the time. Around seven or so, the sun started to set and Hermione turned around to find that Ginny was no where to be found.

Hermione started to walk around looking for Ginny, only to find Charlie, Bill and someone she didn't know, roaring with laughter. She walked over to them. "Hey Charlie, Bill, have you guys seen Ginny around?"

"Um no. Hey you haven't met Dan, have you?" Charlie said.

"Hermione Granger meet Daniel Hayworth. We know Dan from when we were, oh, so many years ago. We're thick as thieves with him." Bill continued.

"Yeah, he actually lives just down the road actually. Dan also works with magical creatures like myself." Charlie finished.

"It's a pleasure," responded Dan reaching yo yak her hand and gently kissing the backs of her knuckles. He had a small smirk on her face that reminded her of a look that Fred would have when he was planning something devious.

Hermione nodded her head, blushing a little bit from the attention. But she raised an eyebrow when Bill and Charlie slipped away most inconspicuously, leaving the two strangers to talk. They continued to talk for a while about the different animals that Dan had worked with.

And though Hermione had tried to politely end their conversation, he was intent on speaking with her about everything under the sun. He obviously was trying to get her attention in more of a platonic manner, but he didn't seem to catch her subtle hints at being uninterested.

Overtime she tried to excuse herself to go talk to someone else she knew or didn't, or to get a drink, Dan was suddenly there again. Either offering her a drink or introducing himself to whoever she was talking to.

Hermione only managed to slip away because she 'claimed' that she needed to use the restroom. When she shut the door to the Burrow's kitchen, she leaned against the frame and let out an incredibly long sigh. "Unbelievable" she sighed with her eyes shut.

Someone across the room chuckled. "Having a good night, Hermione?". Hermione opened one eye to watch Fred Weasley shut the fridge and stand to his full height. No one else was in the kitchen or in the living area of the house from what she saw.

He was grinning at her, and she wondered if he had't already spent part of his thinking about her talking to random people, including ones who wanted to know her more than in a friendship. "That man is persistent. But of course I'm not interested in him."

"Aw. He's just friendly. What's wrong with that?". Hermione groaned at this and pushed herself away from the door, heading to the sink for a glass of water. "He's more than friendly and you know it, Weasley.'

Fred chuckled behind her. "And he seems to be unsatisfied with whatever your recent excuse for leaving his presences." Hermione's head shot up to find Dan walking across the back garden, Fred was right - his destination certainly seemed to be the kitchen. Hermione cursed at this.She started to slightly panic, "What's he planning to do, follow me to the loo."

"Want help throwing the lion tamer off your trail, 'Mione?" he offered. Hermione spun around, finding George's eyes glowing in amusement. She thought this would mean that Fred would use some sort of spell or he would use something that George and him had concocted up as part of their 'Weasley Wizard Wheezes' products that they would sell at school sometimes.

She was hesitant, but nodded slightly. "What are you thinking?" Fred looked behind her at the window seemly watching as her intended suitor approached the door. Hermione wondered if Fred had waited too long to help her with whatever plan that he was thinking up.

She slightly considered ducking into the cupboard under the sink in her desperation. She was absolutely surprise when he took two long fast steps toward her and pinned her against the kitchen counter with his hips; two rough hands slid through her hair and she found herself enjoying making out with her boyfriend.

This kiss was the most sensual snog she had ever experienced. His lips were like silk as they slid smoothly over hers; his tongue barely touched her before darting away again. In the back of her mind she slightly thought this was more for show, but then she thought that she was mistaken.Hermione hadn't even noticed the door open until Dan coughed, obviously surprised.

Hermione's eyes shot open. She reached up to gently push Fred backward and turned to the newcomer. She smiled, she was certain her cheeks would burst into flames from the heat underneath them. "Oh. Hello, Dan"

"Hi." Dan greeted awkwardly, running a hand through his already messy sandy blonde hair. He gave a small smile. "I came info something, but I seem to have forgotten what that was.

Suppose I'll jut head back outside, then." When the door shut behind him Hermione turned back to find Fred still watching her. She smiled slightly, one eyebrow raised. "Thanks, I think. He's gone now, though. You can let me down" Hermione smirked to her nearly sitting position against the counter.

But Fred only smirked. "What if I don't want to?"

"Well someone is bound to walk in here. Personally I don't feel like getting another awkward encounter. And I would really hate for it to be Ron that walks in." Hermione arched an eyebrow at him.

Fred pouted a little and moved away a little for her to get off the counter a bit. But he wrapped his arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his torso as he rested his on top of her head. Hermione wished that that was how she could stay forever.

A/N: PLEASE READ AS I GIVE CREDIT TO ANOTHER AUTHOR. I would like to give a majority of this chapter's credit to @treefondler. This is because I used a lot of the writing especially about 'Dan Hayworth'. This is @treefondler's writing for most part. I just liked the idea of the chapter in this writer's book and I thought that it would be something different in my writing. Although it is not word from word in most parts and I have changed some parts of it I still want to give a lot of credit to the original author.

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