Chapter 17

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Fred released Hermione from the embrace. She slowly tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear embarrassed she turned around to see who was the one that had coughed.

Standing awkwardly behind her and Fred, red faced, in the front hall of the house was Hermione's parents. Her father was scowling a bit. While her mother was looking every where but them. "Sorry" mumbled Hermione.

After a short and fairly awkward goodbye to Hermione's parents, her and Fred carried one end of the trunk each, out to the front lawn.

Fred held Hermione's right hand in his left hand and turned to her. 'Hold on.' He winked and smirked at her. With one final glance at her parents who stood in the houses doorway, she found her whole world start to spin extremely fast.


A churning feeling in her stomach started to occur as she felt as if her feet were pulled off the ground. Only seconds later she found her feet land back on the solid ground. Her eyes rolling all over the place, a sickening taste in her mouth and her stomach doing summersaults.

Hermione released Fred's hand and dropped the side of the trunk that she had held. Covering her hands over her mouth and turning around to look at her surroundings, she noticed that she was in a park like area. There was shrubs and trees all around. But a street was to her left and then there was a number of houses that were identical.

Hermione couldn't hold it back anymore, her face was rather green and sickly. She uncovered her mouth and threw up behind the closest bush to her. Fred rushed to her side and held back her hair as she continued to make revolting puking sounds.

After a few moments she stood back up. Hermione tried to avoid looking at Fred. She didn't thrill that she could look up that much at that moment. The flaming haired boy took out his wand and with a flick, Hermione felt her face didn't have any... um... puke... on it.

'Thanks' Hermione mumbled smiling a little. Fred smirked at her.

"Why don't we get you inside? If you need anything, mum will have it."

The brunette nodded, she didn't feel as faul as before. But she still felt weird. "I didn't realise that apparating was so.... ugh."

"It is like that the first few times. But after that, you get used to apparating. And you don't feel the sickness anymore." Fred replied.

The pair picked up one end of Hermione's trunk each. The walked around the bushes and trees and to a metal gate in the fence, leading to the street.

Once in the street Hermione asked 'Where are we going exactly?'

'Don't worry. It won't take a while to get there. We're almost there now.' He chuckled at the end, she noticed that he was holding his wand in his hand.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him. Shaking her head, she looked around to see her surroundings. They were somewhere with muggles in each house. A long row of identical, dull looking houses stretched for a VERY long street.

Her attention snapped straight back to the building as it started to slowly move to the side.  Shocked she looked to Fred, on her right. He only stood there with a smirk playing on his face.

When the building stopes moving, another house had appeared. Fred started to walked across the street taking the side of the trunk behind him. Hermione followed quickly to keep up.

Fred put his wand in between his teeth and opened the door to this house with his now free hand. Hermione had time to read the number '12' on the door before she walked through it and shutting it with her foot.

The door banged a bit, both Hermione and Fred jumped a bit when it had made a clicking noise behind them. Almost instantaneously a loud and screeching scream came from one of the other levels in the house.

At the other end of the front hallway a door opens quickly with about five people racing out of it. Four of them ran up the stairs to the noise, which seemed to now be coming from behind some curtains. This unbearable voice started to screech and yell as the wizards and witch got nearer to it.


The witch and another wizard started to fire spells some paintings that were starting to join in yelling. With the painting now all stunned, only the main voice was heard.


One of the wizards started to push the curtains around in front of a painting, which seems to be the actual cause. While the other one yelled over the paintings shrill like voice.

"Shut up, you horrible old hag, shut UP!" Roared the wizard. The paintings voiced died down. The house was again silent.

Mrs Weasley came down the long corridor embracing Hermione in an almost bone crushing hug. "Hermione dear. How good to see you again." The older woman said, releasing Hermione and smiling at her.

The brunette's face began to turn a vibrant shade of red. "I'm so sorry Mrs Weasley, I had no idea that the door would be that loud. Or that that painting," She pointed to the painting on the next floor "Would make that much noise."

"Pay no attention to that horrible old woman. I never liked her anyway" Said another familiar voice behind Mrs Weasley.

Hermione could not believe her eyes. There standing in front of her, yet again in the last few months was none other than Sirius Black. Harry's godfather.

"Sirius?" Said Hermione feeling almost stupid for saying that.

"In the flesh." He smiled at her. His appearance was very different to what it had been the last couple of times they had met. He almost looked unrecognisable.

He hair tamed and his clothes not mangled. But instead he wore dark purple wizard robes. He also wasn't as gaunt as he was the last time she had saw him. But rather he would healthier and well fed too.

"I look very different to what you saw me as last time don't I." He remarked seeing that she was still processing the fact that he stood only metres away from him.

Hermione blinked and slowly nodding at him. "Hermione dear, close your mouth otherwise you'll catch flies like that." Said Mrs Weasley.

She hadn't even registered the fact that she was gaping at Sirius' appearance. She shut her mouth quickly. Looking around awkwardly she noticed that the witch and the other two wizards had snuck away back in the kitchen since they were talking.

Hermione turned back and looked at Fred. He too was awkwardly just standing there, still holding one side of her school trunk. Mrs Weasley realised the situation "Right well. Hermione you are sharing a room with Ginny. I hope you don't mind though." Hermione shook her head.

"Your room is on the the second floor. Third door to your right." Hermione nodded to her and she and Fred started to walk up the stairs and past Sirius.

They walked or really, crept past the screeching painting and further to just outside of the third door on the right. "So where exactly are we?" Asked Hermione.

"We are in the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. But we are also at the address 'Number 12 Grimwald Place'" Said Fred.

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