Chapter 31: Quidditch Season with a Bang

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A/N: Ayyyyy double update! (Even though it's a day after the other chapter was posted) But still pretty cool right? I know.


For a following number of weeks Dumbledore's army continued to practice magic in secret. Because of the notice that was left on Gryffindors noticeboard, all of the Quidditch teams had to go to her for permission to be able to still compete in the hog watch Quidditch competition. With some difficulty with Umbridge, professor McGonagl gave them permission to go ahead and function as the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Hermione was glad to this and she knew how much it meant to Harry, Ron and the other Gryffindors. After two weeks of Dumbledore's Army's meetings, Hermione had come up with a rather ingenious idea of how to communicate with the others. She had created fake Galleons that engraved numbers would change to have the time and date of the next meeting.

She gave Harry the main Galleon so that he was the only one able to change the time and date on the others. To Hermione's delight, many of the others really like the idea of the fake Galleons. Terry Boot even pointed out that Hermione was able to cast a Protean Charm which is normally at a N.E.W.T level and much higher than what people of their year level would be able to conjure up.

On the day the first Quidditch match of the season, many of the Gryffindors where tense and excited for the impending game. The nerves set in, particularly for Ron. It was to be Gryffindor vs Slytherin, old house rivalry started up again between the students at Hogwarts leading up to the game.

The anticipation levels were built up even more because the Quidditch season was cancelled the year before since the Tri-Wizard Tournament was held at Hogwarts. With their DA meetings, it was difficult to fit them in when Angelina insisted that they keep on having team practices. Hermione wasn't complaining as much as she thought she would've, she liked watching Fred fly with his team.

At one of their practices, she saw him soar around in the sky on his broom, with the widest smile on his face, that smile that she loved. In the sky, he looked free and like he could do anything, even conquer the world if he really wanted to. When the team finished training that afternoon, Fred didn't get off his broom instead he flew straight to Hermione and he literally swept her off of the ground.

She screamed in shock and shut her eyes immediately by covering them with her hands. When she took her hands away from her face, slowly, she saw that he had pulled her onto the front of his broom and they were flying really fast over the lake. "Fred put me down right now!" Hermione demanded as she clutched onto him fearing that she was going to fall.

"Now why would I want to do that? This way I get to hold you tightly without you objecting to it."

"I won't object if you put us on the ground!" Hermione screamed and Fred chuckled.


"Hermione?" Said a voice knocking Hermione back to reality.

"Hmm? What Harry?" She said looking back at him. It the day of the match, Hermione was sitting at the Gryffindor table with Harry, Ginny and a very pale looking Ron.

It was the day of the match and Ginny and Hermione were decked out in their red and gold Gryffindor scarves, gloves, beanies and robes. While on the other side of the table sat Ron and Harry who were both in their Quidditch robes.

Ron had been more on edge than anyone else in the Gryffindor Quidditch team, or at least he was the only one showing it as much. He was more on edge each time he saw a Slytherin student, especially since there had been rumours of a seven-year Slytherin jinxing a fourth year Gryffindor the day before.

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