Chapter 35: Thestrals

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A/N: I want to especially thank @CarinaLeaWord for blowing up me notification feed all afternoon with her amazing comments. As dorky as it sounds, I fangirl every time I get a notification that someone has voted (and especially) or commented on my story. You guys have no idea how amazing it is to open up wattpad and find those things!

When it came time for Hagrid's first lesson back at Hogwarts, Hermione was especially nervous. She knew that her friends were feeling the same when they were walking down to meet for their Care of Magical Creatures lesson.

While Hermione knew it in her heart that Hagrid always had people's best interests in mind, Hagrid's level of 'fun' was still quite different to many other people's level of fun. Their previous year's lessons with their half-giant friend had proved that well and truly.

But this lesson was different, Hagrid began by taking a very skeptical class into the Forbidden Forest, they were even more hesitant to follow him since he was carrying a dead half of a cow. Hagrid let out a loud and screechy cry into the forest, and he repeated it multiple times in hopes to attract the creatures to show the class.

After a little while, nothing came. But there was a look on Harry's face that Hermione could not understand why it was there. Happiness and content, 'But there's nothing here.' Hermione thought confused. 

She looked around at the class and most of them were like her, confused as nothing was happening. But the brunette's gaze landed on a lanky Slytherin boy, standing behind Goyle who's face had curled into disgust, as he looked in front of the group and further in front of Hagrid.

Hermione looked back and saw that there was only blank space, the denseness of the forest. Nervously Hermione continued to look at the class, again her gaze landed on another student. Neville's eyes were also following something in front of Hagrid and their class.

Fed up, the book worm turned her attention back in front of herself again. But like before, she saw nothing new, nothing out of the ordinary. Well nothing out of the ordinary for a Forbidden Forest, a half-giant teacher, in the school grounds for a school of wizards. 

Finally Hagrid broke the silence by asking the class who could see 'them'. Only the Slytherin boy, Neville and Harry put up their hands. This left the rest of the class even more confused. People asked what they were supposed to be seeing, but Hagrid only pointed to the dead cow on the ground. 

Most people stood back in shock as they realized something invisible was eating it. Some screamed in horror as bits of the animal were being ripped off, it was a sight that no one was ready for. 

"What's eating it?" Parvati Patil shrieked. 

"Threastrals." Hagrid chuckled to them all. He continued to explain about the creatures, in Hermione's mind she was putting the pieces together and she remembered how she had read about the strange horse-like animals before, somewhere in the endless amount of books that she'd read. 

 "Righ', now, who can tell me why some o' yeh can see 'em an' some can't?" Hagrid asked hopeful

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 "Righ', now, who can tell me why some o' yeh can see 'em an' some can't?" Hagrid asked hopeful.

 "Righ', now, who can tell me why some o' yeh can see 'em an' some can't?" Hagrid asked hopeful

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Hermione immediately stuck up her hand, no surprise, Hagrid nodded for her to answer. "The only people who can see Thestrals, are people who have seen death." 

Hagrid nodded at her, but it really sunk in with Hermione what she had just said. 'That means that Neville has seen someone die.'  

She looked over to Neville and saw him sadly staring at the ground. The bookworm dropped her head a bit, 'seeing anyone hurt is bad enough, but to witness someone die is far worse emotionally that physically and it can take a serious toll on a person.'  She thought.

Her thoughts were interrupted however, when she heard that irritating 'Hem, hem.'  of the one person she was fearing would show up to their class. Without turning around, Hermione could already invision Umbridge standing there in a horrendously all pink outfit, with a clipboard and a quill in her hand as she looks with her beady froggy eyes at Hagrid, expectantly.

Because Hagrid had never seen her in a class before, while assessing people, he was taken aback by her interruption. He acknowledged her, but she told him to continue the lesson as if she wasn't there.  

Hagrid turned back to the class and continued to teach them about Thestrals, but every so often Umbridge would again interrupt with a question to a student, that was said loud enough for the class to hear. Hermione rolled her eyes and exhaled deeply, trying to calm herself in an attempt to stop her from doing something irrational. 

With each question that she asked to the students, mostly the Slytherins who had personal reasons for hating Hagrid, Hermione became more annoyed. It wasn't just her, she realized as she looked to her friends. Both of which were also gritting their teeth as they tried to concentrate more on the lesson.

Then finally Umbridge had one last question, she walked over to Neville and asked him, "Who have you seen die, then Longbottom?"

"Um, my Granddad." He said nervously avoiding her eye contact. 

"And what do you think of them?" She looked down her nose and over her clipboard, quill at the ready. 

"I... u....guess they're okay." Neville said more nervously.

"Hmm." Umbridge frowned as she looked down at her parchment and mumbled, loud enough for people to here, " class...topics." 

"Oh, no it's not that..." Neville said quickly.

"Shh. No, it's okay Longbottom I understand what you mean. I think I've seen enough here to know what really goes on in these classes." She flicked her head towards Hagrid then she began to walk back the way to the school.

After walking through the class, she turned to face Hagrid again. "I will send you a letter, regarding my judgement." Then with that she strutted back through the dense forest and to Hogwarts. 

When the lesson ended later on, and the class was dismissed, the trio of friends walked back towards the castle. "I cannot believe how she twisted Neville's words." Hermione groaned loudly. 

"She mocked Hagrid's ways of explaining things." Ron muttered while frowning.

"She purposely chose to ask questions about Hagrid's teaching from the Slytherins!" Harry kicked a rock on the ground so angrily that it hit up into the air. 

"If she gets Hagrid in trouble for anything, I'm going to back him up to the hilt!" Hermione said firmly. 

"Agreed," Harry and Ron said simultaneously. 

A/N: Two author's notes in a single chapter? Crazy right. Btw, when I was re-reading the chapter from OOTP, I was tearing up about Neville. I don't know why, it just made me sad... GOD DAMN YOU J.K ROWLING AND YOUR WRITING SKILLS!

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