Chapter 4

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As Hermione had finished lunch with the rest of the Weasley's Ginny asked her to come with her to Ginny's room for a while.

As fast as Hermione accepted Ginny had started to drag her up the stairs.

As Ginny giggled all the way up the stairs and shut her door behind the door, Hermione asked her

"What's so funny?"

"It's just that Ron has been talking about you ever since the summer started. And today he thought that you hadn't arrived yet, so when he saw you he was embarrassed that he was being lazy." Ginny laughed as she made the remarks about her brother.

Hermione then started to giggle along with her friend simply because her friend was laughing so much.

After a minute Ginny began to calm down "So what do you want to do while you're here?"

"Well I was actually kind of hoping that you would be able to teach me a bit of quidditch? It's just I've never actually played it and I think that everyone in this house knows how to play except for me and I..."

"Oh my god! This is what I have been waiting for! I would absolutely love to teach you how to play quidditch!" Ginny excited started to jump around at the fact that she could teach another her many tricks that she often and up her sleeve.

"I'm glad that you are excited, so when do you think would be a good time to start?"

"Uh... right now. Duh! Quick go to your room and change your clothes to something casual and easy to move around in" Ginny said while starting to push Hermione out of her room.

"Um ok?" Hermione said as Ginny ran down the stairs as fast as she could with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm going to get our brooms!" Ginny yelled to Hermione from outside the house.

Hermione shook her head at her overly excited friend and started to walk to the next floor in the house and to her room.

As she shut the door to her room she walked over to her suitcase in the opposite corner and looked out the window.

It was only then that she properly realised the interior of the room.

It had a chest of drawers to the right of the door. The door which stood in the middle of the left wall.

On the middle wall on one end of the room was a four posted queen sized bed, with a bunch of blankets at the end of it.

In front of the bed was a small double drawer, table like piece of furniture that's paint had faded but to Hermione was still really nice.

On the right side of the room was a chair beside the only window in the room.

Although it was the only window it was quite large and let in a large amount of light.Below the window sat Hermione's suitcase.

In the next corner of the other middle wall sat a desk that fit with in the two side walls. On the desk was some parchment, some ink and a quill.

The top piece of parchment had some writing on it.Curious to what it said Hermione began to read the writing on the parchment.

"Hermione dear, please feel free to contact your parents any time you wish. You are very welcomed into the Weasley home and family. I know that I was many years ago. But please enjoy your time with us as much as you possibly can. From Molly Weasley. P.S None of this "Mrs Weasley" stuff, please just call me Molly" Hermione smiled at what Mrs Weasley had written for her.

As she turned the window she heard a shout from outside the house.

"Fred, give me that broom back! It's for Hermione! I'm going to show her how to play quidditch!" Ginny said starting to get frustrated with her older brother.

Fred laughed "Oh please, I bet you five galleons that I can teach her better than you can"

"You know what... your on!"Stepping away from the window Hermione rolled her eyes and started to choose her other clothes.

As she held up some choices and a few minutes of rummaging through her trunk of various items she decided on some plain black half thigh shorts, a plain pale purple T-Shirt and a muggle brand of shoes called Converse that were coloured a dark purple.

After looking in the mirror and nodding at herself in approval she walked towards that door and downstairs and out onto the grass outside towards the bickering siblings.

As she stood beside the two for almost the minute with out them realising of her presence she reached for the broom that the two of them were fighting over.

"Siblings" she said to the two and shook her head. The two just looked at her then back and each other then back and her.

They shrugged, Ginny started "We better going, don't wanna waste a day..."

"Yeah. Come on Hermione, I'll show you the ropes" Fred finished as he walked past her and motioned for her to follow with a smug smile.

A/N Alright well the book has only been out for a few days and I already have a few reads! This makes me so happy. It would make me even happier if you guys to could vote and comment on parts you like 😊. I'm sorry though if you find the chapters a bit short, it's just my first Harry Potter fanfic.

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