Chapter 9

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"I am exhausted!" said Hermione as she dragged her feet while walking back to the house with Harry and Ron. The trio had spent the day together. From dawn to dusk the three had spent their time doing various things.

From swimming and canoeing in a near by lake, having a water fight, which in Hermione's opinion she would say that she won by miles but the boys did not agree with that, Harry and Ron had been chasing each other around on broom sticks while Hermione had sat on the ground avoiding going up on a broom as little as possible since the two boys flew too fast for her.

As soon as she walked through the door of the house, she walked to the living and collapsed onto the couch, face first into the pillows. At the other end of the couch her feet hit someone who was also sitting on it. Hermione heard Harry and Ron walk with slow feet up the stairs at the same time she fell on the couch.

"Rough day?" A voice said behind her.

"Not really, just exhausted. Honestly I could sleep for days." Mumbled Hermione.

"I have no idea what you just said. It sounded like you said "not ruley, mmm, mmmmnm, mnmnmnmmmmnmnmnm.'" He mocked.

She lifted her head out of the couch and said "Thank you for that Fred." She let her head fall back into the seat. Fred put down the daily prophet which he had been reading and turned to her.

He pushed her feet off of his lap and pulled her up so that she was sitting next to him. She leaned her head onto his shoulder, and he put his arm around her shoulder. Hermione looked to her right and up at Fred, a smile played on his lips and she looked at him suspiciously.

Fred couldn't help it anymore, he let out a string of laughs. Hermione just stared at him. "What happened? What's so funny?" she asked as he continued to laugh.

Shortly after she said that a loud yell and screams came from Harry and Ron's room. This was immediately followed by the door bursting open and the two boys storming out of the room. The pair on the couch got up and walked to the bottom of the stairs looking up at everyone else who was at different levels of the stairs through out the house.

Ron was fuming, he looked back at his room to which, a green cloud was erupting out of it. Hermione ran up the stairs to look closer. Harry was standing next to Ron, who was almost tearing his hair out.

When Hermione looked at Harry, he was hold back a laugh as well as Ginny. However Fred and George were both full on laughing. Their laughter filled the house, especially since Fred was still at the bottom of the stairs and George was at the very top. Because those two started to laugh, this caused both Hermione and Ginny to laugh.

Eventually every single teenager in the house, but Ron, was laughing at the prank that the twins had played on Ron. Ron however, didn't find it amusing. He now looked even more angry. He walked straight back into his room, and into the green cloud of smelly gas.

The others all slowed to a stop, their laughter. They heard a couple of windows open and some of the gas from the room leave. Hermione shook her head and walked back down stairs, only when she did, she realised the smell that was now resinating in Ron's room.

Again she collapsed back on the couch, only a minute later did Fred join her. He wrapped his arms around her, not just her shoulder this time, but all of her. He pulled her closer to him, she lifted her tired feet off the floor and hugged him closer, not that that was very possible.

Fred put his hand under Hermione's chin and lifted it up to him. He planted a slow lingering kiss on her lips. She closed her eyes and kissed him again, her hands made her way to his hair and she ran her hands through it tugging at it.

Fred's arms slowly made their way down and around the brunette's waist. While hers snaked around his neck. The pair however found themselves interrupted with someone coughing. They parted lips, Hermione turned around to see Ginny standing at the bottom of the steps, staring with her mouth open at what she saw in front of her.

Fred pursed his lips, kissed Hermione gently on the lips then walked passed Ginny, with the Daily Prophet in his hands. The two girls watched him as he walked up the stairs. Hermione with a faint smile on her face and Ginny with her mouth still agape.

"Gin, you'll catch flies if you keep your mouth like that." Joked Hermione.The red headed girl shut her mouth and walked to Hermione, joining her on the couch.

After a few minutes of explaining, Ginny asked "So basically you guys are a couple?"

"What? No. Yes. Maybe. I don't know. We haven't really talked about that." Hermione realised.

"Yeah, because you've been too busy sucking my brother's face." Ginny replied, which earned her a small shove from Hermione.

"Well, I'm hungry. Mum and Dad have gone out for the evening so it's just us and the boys... oh I'm sorry us, the boys and your 'sort of boyfriend'. Are you hungry?" Ginny said as she stood up and stretched.

"I am starving!" Confessed Hermione. With a determined look on her face, Ginny walked to the kitchen. She opened a few cupboards, grabbing some ingredients and some different cooking utensils.

Around an hour later, Ginny and Hermione had finished cooking and their end result was cooked spaghetti. The two friends turned to each other and high five in success. They started to put some food on their plates when the other boys ran down the stairs at the smell of good food.

The rest of the evening was pleasant. Everyone enjoyed and complimented Hermione and Ginny on such a great meal. Unfortunately since all of the witches and the wizards in the house at that time were under age they couldn't just flick their wands and the dishes would clean themselves. Since the girls cooked dinner, George and Harry were stuck with cleaning the dishes.

Ron was off the hook since his room was still full of the green stink gas. Ginny had decided to go to her room for the rest of the evening, while Fred said that 'he had to go and check some stuff in the shed. But as he was about to walk out the door he shot Hermione a look for her to follow him outside.

"I think that I'm going to get some air outside." Hermione said a minute or two after Fred had gone outside. Once outside Hermione looked around to thence Fred sitting under a near by tree, looking up at the stars.

She sat next to him on his right, and he wrapped his arms around her. "They're beautiful aren't they." Hermione said breaking the silence. Fred nodded in response.

"Yes, the sky is beautiful. But not as much as you." Hermione smiled widely and blushed as he said that. She then lay back on the grass and Fred copied. She let her eyes drift slowly close, with a smile spread across her face.


When Hermione woke up, she could feel the sun on her face. So she decided not open her eyes. She rolled over in her queen size bed, as she did so her arm him something. Or really, someone.Her eyes shot open as she heard a groan of pain.

Next to her she saw Fred. He groggily said to her, "What was that for? You hit me in the face."

Hermione moved closer to him and they wrapped their arms around each other and laid in a comfortable embrace. The flaming haired boy leaned down and his smooth lips met Hermione's soft ones.

"AHHHHHHH!" Screamed someone. The pair immediately pulled apart and turned to see Ginny standing in the doorway. Throughout the house footsteps could be heard rushing towards the noise.

In a matter of seconds, Ron and Harry raced into the room with wands ready in their hands, to see what Ginny was screaming at. Only did they realise the scene that was before them, Fred and Hermione lying together on the bed. Harry's eyes widened, but he then smirked at the pair.

But if looks could kill Ron would've killed Fred multiple times without hesitation. Harry shook his head and walked out of the room with Ginny. Ron however stood with his feet still planted, fuming at his brother and one of his two best friends.

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