Chapter 48: Reunion at Kings Cross Station

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A/N: Make sure you're glued into your chair for some feels with Fremione

On the last night at school, everyone was in the dining hall, or at least everyone but Ron and Harry. Hermione had seated herself next to Ginny at the Gryffindor table, and she had managed to save them two seats opposite them. 

However, Harry didn't fill his seat at all that night, and Ron was running into the hall as Dumbledore was beginning his final speech of the year. "Where's Harry?" Hermione hissed as soon as Ron sat down.

"He said he might come down later." Ron shrugged. Although Hermione listened to Ron, she had a gut feeling that Harry was probably avoiding coming down, and she was right. For the rest of the night Hermione and everyone else didn't see a sign of Harry. 

As the final feast was almost over, there was a loud screeching coming from outside the hall, and soon all the students were fighting to get out the doors to see what was going on. Some of the professors were rushing through the crowd to see if there was any danger, but as Hermione saw through the cracks in the crowd, Umbridge was being chased out by Peeves.

It had seemed that she was trying to leave Hogwarts without being seen by anyone, but in fact she had been seen by the worst person (or well, Poltergeist) possible, Peeves. It also seemed that Peeves had remembered Fred and George's advice of 'give her hell from us'.

Hermione turned to look behind herself back in the hall, and saw that on the other side, right back at the teacher's table, where the heads of houses sat, Professor McGonagall was still finishing off her pumpkin pie. 

The next day, the final day meant everyone was up bright and early. Various articles of clothing, various gifts that they may have been sent in the mail by family, and even left of school supplies were all being shoved into the trunks that had been sitting in the dorm rooms all year as people were preparing to go home.

Hermione had woken up early, with a smile bright on her face. That smile had remained on her face through breakfast, through packing all her stuff away, even when she was levitating her trunk down into the Gryffindor common room to be transported to the train. That smile was on her face as she, Harry and Ron all said goodbye to Hagrid on the train stations platform and when they were sitting on the train for the long journey.

There was three main reasons why she was smiling so much, firstly she was happy the school year was over so she could go home and see her parents. Secondly she was happy that yet again her and her friends had survived another fight with Voldemort. But for the majority of her smile, she was overjoyed about the thought of seeing Fred again.

She couldn't wait to be in his arms, to have his scent around her, she wanted to hear about his plans with George to make their products (she still didn't endorse many of them, but she was growing a fondness to the ingenuity that the twins had put into them). Hermione wanted the feeling of adrenaline she got every time they locked eyes, she wanted to see his red hair, she wanted to hear his dirty jokes, she wanted him to tease her about their height difference.

Simply put, she wanted him. She had missed him more than she thought she would. Last year, he was just Ron's older brother and she had never really looked at him twice, but now she realised her feelings towards Fred had consumed her more than she ever could've imagined. 

So, when the train was getting nearer to the station, her heart beat picked up about ten more paces. The train also seemed to be speeding up, or at least it felt like that to Hermione, although she knew it was really only going its normal speed. 

Finally the train was pulling into the station, and Harry opened the door from their compartment to let them out. When on the platform, already the trunks were being lifted off, and it was a scramble for many to be able to get their possessions as fast as they could, keep ahold of their magical creatures and make their way through the crowds to find their families. 

Ron, and Ginny looked around, same as Harry and Hermione, "I think mum said everyone was going to meet us out on the muggle platform." Ron tried to say over the joyous crowd of students.

He motioned for the others to follow them with their trunks and their animals in cages on different trolleys. Hermione was right behind Ginny, and Harry was behind her, while Ron was in front of them all and he pushed his way through the crowd to get to the walkway. 

"You're free to go through." The conductor instructed them as they reached the wall. 

First went through Ron, then Ginny, then Hermione and finally Harry. Once through the wall, everyone was looking around King's Cross for the other Weasleys and Hermione's parents. But to Hermione's surprise, and to probably everyone else, they also saw Remus, Tonks and Moody standing with the Weasleys.

All of them were wearing muggle clothing, and Moody even had a bowler hat positioned so that it was covering his magical eye. But what stood out even more, was Fred and George wearing emerald green suits with a metallic finish to them. The only real difference, to anyone who couldn't tell them apart, was that Fred was wearing a purple tie, and George was wearing an orange tie. 

It was an electric feeling that flew throughout Hermione's core as they made eye contact. She started to speed up her pace to meet him, but before she could her parents came right in front of her. 

She was embraced in a warm, and much needed hug from both of her parents at the same time. "Hermione!" they both joyed as they squeezed her tighter.

"How was your school year?" Hermione's mother asked her as they released her.

Hermione laughed a little, "It was good mum." 

"Did you do well in your classes?" Her dad asked.

"I think so, but we don't know our O.W.L. results yet. We will get them in about a month." Hermione nodded, trying not to think about the amount of stress she had gone through while preparing for them.

"We should go and say hi to the others." Hermione's mum said after a few seconds, and her dad nodded as she pushed him away to say hi to Harry. 'Strange.' Hermione thought to herself as she watched them.

"They only did that because I asked them earlier." A voice whispered into Hermione's ear, and she jumped a bit letting out a small squeak. 

Hermione turned her head to her right to see who it was, but instead she found her lips crashed onto by familiar ones. She could feel the passion and the sparks between the two of them, as they seemed to move in sync. 

Hermione could feel Fred's arms snake around her waist as he lifted her off the ground slightly. She smiled into the kiss, as he bit her lip in a cheeky manner. This was the Fred she missed, the one who was passionate and mischievous. 

"Hmm, hmm." Tittered another voice. The pair immediately pulled apart, and met stares and open mouths of their family and friends. 

"Well the cat's out of the bag, for those of you that didn't know before." Fred laughed, while still holding on to Hermione.

She looked up at him and smiled brightly, and he replied with the same expression on his face. Soon everyone was going back to their conversations and grabbing their things as they headed towards the exit down the platform. Fred wrapped his arm around Hermione and he started pushing her trolley with her Hogwarts trunk and Crookshanks in his cage who was now fast asleep. 

Fred kissed Hermione lightly on her forehead, and he lowered himself to her ear again, "Don't worry love, we'll continue our 'conversation' later." 

Hermione blushed, she was looking forward to it. 

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