Chapter 43: DA Exposed

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Thanks to the genius of Hermione Granger she had arranged an interview with Rita Skeeter, so that Harry could explain his story to the press, or at least someone willing to write his side of the story. 

The reason that Rita was willing to write the story was because Hermione had used the knowledge that Rita was an unregistered Animagus against her. Because of that, and the idea of writing one of the biggest stories of the year Rita agreed. 

She would write the article, about what actually happened, it would be published in the Quibbler and Hermione would keep her lips shut about the whole 'unregistered Animagus' situation.

The day the article was released, Harry received a copy of it with his morning mail. Quickly after that, more owls arrived at the table all carrying fan mail regarding the article. Hermione and Ron were quick to open them all. Many were from witches and wizards who thought Harry was still off his rocker.

But when they over looked those ones they found that others believed what Harry had to say. When Umbridge came along to see what all the commotion was, she picked up the Quibbler copy that Harry was reading, and soon she was fuming and walking away from them. 

Before the day was even out, Umbridge had already issued another 'Ministry Decree'. It read 'Any one caught with a copy of the Quibbler will be expelled from Hogwarts'. 

"Well 'Mione, at least we tried." Harry half-heartedly told his friend, as they walked through the halls with Fred and Ron.

"Harry, you don't understand. The one way that we know everyone will read your article is because Umbridge has now banned it." She smiled victoriously while looking from him to Fred. He squeezed her hand and smiled.

"That's my girl. Ten steps ahead of everyone else." Fred beamed to her.

It did work. Some how, some way every student across Hogwarts had been either told the article by another student or they had charmed their copy of the Quibbler to be hidden from anyone else. Many people's opinions were switching, from thinking Harry was a complete nutter like how the Daily Prophet and the Ministry had made him out to be, to them thinking that he had been telling the truth all along.

All because Hermione had gotten Rita Skeeter's help. 


School passed quickly over the next month, Hermione had been practicing and revising for every classes OWL's almost every day. She was determined to get the highest grade in each class. From Harry and Ron's perspective, the feeling was not mutual. They were just looking to pass them.

As soon as they tried to tell Hermione that, she gave them both a long lecture about how they should be trying to get higher grades like her. The brunette knew that both of her friends were capable of so much more, especially Harry. So she continued to push and remind them about their OWLS, about as often as she was revising for them

"You're going to get an O for ever class Hermione." Fred said as he reached for hand. They were sitting on a windowsill in one of the small towers of Hogwarts. Truth was, they were sitting in a room that wasn't used for anything but storing some old school equipment, so no one was going to walk in on their conversation.

"That's what I want. But I need to prepare for them, to actually get those grades." Hermione frowned as she leant her head on the window, and looked out the window. It was April. The trees outside were mostly in bloom. Students were studying outside in the sunshine, from the movement of the trees, Hermione could tell there was a slight breeze outside, but it looked to only make the weather better. 

"Hey, don't stress Hermione. I don't get to see your smile as much then." Fred said as he used his fingers under her chin to turn her face towards him. 

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