Chapter 6

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A/N: Please enjoy the chapter.This one actually has some Fremione stuff in it. Not sure if it's good or not, that's up to you. Please give me some feedback though. Enjoy my lovelies :)

Fred looked back to the house past his two brothers, he saw Hermione in the door frame. She smiled. This only caused him to return it with an even bigger smile.

"FRED WHAT THE HELL?" Ron yelled up at him, since he was still hovering on his broom above the ground.

"Say that again Ron, I don't think that the Minister of Magic quite heard you." Fred remarked.Ron grabbed Fred by the front of his shirt and pulled his brother close to him "I told you at the start of the holidays that while Hermione is here I was going to ask her out. I think that basically means that she's off limits."

"Geez Ron, I didn't even do anything." Fred said widening his eyes at him.

"Oh yes you did." Ron gritted his teeth.

"What did he do Ron?" George cut in.

"Ron I'm just having fun, having a laugh. Nothing more." Ron turned back to Fred, with Ron's expression becoming calmer.

"Well it sure doesn't seem like it. Just don't do anything more with Hermione." Ron released his grip on Fred's shirt and walked back to the house.

"What's his deal?" George said cutting the awkward silence.

"Dunno, he need's to calm down though Georgie."

"Fred, George!" Called a voice behind them.

The pair turned around. "Fred where you playing quidditch before?" Asked Harry as he carried his Hogwarts trunk behind him.

The twins both smiled at Harry, "Yes, I well... Ginny and I were teaching Hermione a bit about quidditch."

"Is Hermione here already? I wanted to surprise her by telling her that I would be staying the summer too."

"I'm not sure if she knows your coming for the summer or not, but you can still try to surprise her. If you do, let us be there to see her face" George smirked.

"FRED, GEORGE!" Called Mrs Weasley as she bustled out of their house towards them.

"Harry dear! I didn't know that you were coming today, I thought that you would be arriving tomorrow." Smiled the older woman. "No matter, no matter. You'll be sharing Ron's room tonight though dear since the room that you were supposed to be sleeping in is still a mess. Thanks to you two!" She turned to Fred and George.

"Come on Harry, let's get you settled in." She motioned to Harry's trunk and Harry. He nodded at her as he walked past the other boys following Mrs Weasley into their home.

"Bye Harry" The two left outside said. Watching Harry's shadow disappear into the house.

George suddenly turned his head to Fred giving him a look that he wanted to know something. Fred simply looked at George as if he knew nothing.

"Okay, you have been acting a bit strange all day. And as far as I can tell the only thing that is different is that Hermione and Harry are here. And since Harry has been here for like, five seconds. I would say it's about Hermione. So spill"

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Besides I am not acting strange." Fred said, even though he knew that this was not going to stop George from asking more questions.

George squinted his eyes as if this was going to help him see right through what his twin had just said. "What aren't you telling me? I am your twin, so it'd be better if you told me now, because one way or another I am going to find out why you are acting strange."

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