Chapter 29; Dumbledore's Army Begins

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The next day Hermione awoke early, her mind was constantly buzzing with the idea of some sort of club or group where they would actually learn practical magic and how to defend themselves. She dressed and got up quickly, and headed to breakfast alone and quite early. 

Before she left the dorm she took a few sheets of parchment and her quill to write down some ideas that she was keen to think about. When she walked into the Great Hall there was only a very small handful of other early rising students there too. 

As she sat down at the Gryffindor table, she put the parchment and the quill to the side and grab a couple of slices of toast. After she buttered them and put strawberry jam on each slice she looked around her to see if anyone else had turned up in the hall. Not many others had arrived thankfully.

Already in her head, Hermione realized that if they were to do something like this, others may be unimpressed. But she mostly thought this of the toad-like teacher that the entire school hated, Umbridge. 

After every bite or two of her toast, Hermione wrote down some ideas of what the group would possibly do and who might be interested. But she stopped and thought about it for a moment, who would be interested in doing this?

Some Gryffindors? Ginny? Ravenclaws? Hufflepuffs? Fred? George? Ron? Loony Lovegood? Nevill Longbottom? The list began to pile up in her head of potential people who she would have to reach out and find if they're interested or not. 

When Hermione finished her toast she looked up and realized that the hall was beginning to fill up more now and that some of those she had just thought about, were now entering the hall. The brunette nodded her head to herself and decided that today she would find out if people would bother to join or if it was some silly idea from a fifth-year book-worm.

So as the day moved on Hermione went around talking to many others that she had high hopes that might be interested in her idea. Luckily she was right, many were interested. Especially when she had talked about Harry being involved in the teaching process of it all.

There was merely one thing left to do before anyone could learn something... convince Harry to be able to do it.

That evening Hermione had tracked down Harry and Ron in the Gryffindor Common Ron. "I think that we should be able to learn proper Defence Against the Dark Arts." She explained nervously to her friends.

"Well so do I but Umbridge already has the job. So we can't do a lot can we." Ron rolled his eyes.

"Maybe we can do it ourselves..." She trailed off slowly.

"What?" Harry and Ron simultaneously said.

"But we're at a stage where we need a teacher. Someone who knows what they're doing." The brunette said as she stood up and paced in a short distance.

"Really who did you have in mind then?" Harry asked suspiciously.

Hermione stopped pacing and turned slowly on the balls of her feet so that she was facing her friends. But her eyes were on Harry, nervously, "Um you... Harry."

"Come off it Hermione." He laughed, "Me? Who would want to learn from me?"

Turning red slightly Hermione replied, "Quite a few people actually."

"What?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief.

"I've been talking to people all day about this idea. They seem interested if you're involved." The brunette shrugged.

Harry shook his head, but Hermione could see the thoughts in his mind whirling around. It was true, many of who she talked to were very interested when she mentioned Harry's name. But finally, Harry's expression turned angry, "Look people won't listen to me. Besides none of what I've learnt in class has really helped me when I faced Voldemort," at that Ron and Hermione flinched from the name.

He continued to rant for a while about how they didn't know what it was really like when staring death right the face. But as he started to raise his voice more, Hermione was concerned that someone would walk in and be very confused and possibly scared. She knew at this point she was slightly scared of her friend.

"Look Harry." She said finally when he had stopped yelling, "It was just an idea. But please do think about it. I'm off to bed." With that, Hermione stood up from the coffee table by the fire, grabbed her things and walked up the stairs to her dorm room, without another word from her or her friends. 


A couple of weeks had passed before Hermione had brought her idea up with Harry again. This was mostly due to the fact that she was afraid he was going to start yelling at her again. When she did, to her surprise Harry agreed to do some extra work outside of their normal classes with them. 

So for the first Hogsmeade weekend, Hermione organized so that those students that were interested in this opportunity would meet them in the Hogs Head. It was a slightly dodgier pub on the outskirts of Hogsmeade and it was not as nearly popular as The Three Broomsticks. 

When Hermione and her friends walked into the pub, it was gloomier and darker than she had expected. There were only a few others in the Hog's Head beside themselves and the bartender. After ordering a bottle of butterbeer each, they found a corner in the corner away from the all the other cloaked figures.

While the brunette rechecked her watch for time, Harry asked her who would be coming to which she replied with, "A few people," A few minutes passed before the students began to arrive through the heavy wooden pub doors that creaked each time they moved ever so slightly.

A small crowd of people entered, the group consisted of; Neville, Dean, Lavender, Pavarti and Padma Patil, Cho and one of her Ravenclaw friends, Luna, Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, the Creevey brothers; Colin and Dennis, Ernie Macmillan, Justin Finch Fletchley. 

Then there was Hannah Abbot who was talking to a Hufflepuff girl that Hermione couldn't remember what her name was, multiple Ravenclaw boys and then Ginny Weasley. Finally bringing up the rear of the group was Fred and George Weasley and Lee Jorden, who all three were sporting full bags of merchandise from Zonko's.

As soon as Fred saw Hermione he strode through the small crowd and kissed her 'hello', which she immediately turned red. After everyone had ordered and gotten themselves a butterbeer and they had settled into their seats, Hermione knew it was time to get things moving.

"Um hi everyone..." She began slowly and nervously as she looked to the group who all now had their attention on her. Hermione cast a glance at Fred who smiled at her and nodded her to go on. "I thought it would be good if we were to take our learning into our own hands because let's be honest. Umbridge is not teaching us anything worth teaching us."

As she said that part she got multiple nods from the group, "Well, this is also because... well to set the rumours straight... Lord Voldemort is back." Many gasped predictably at the mention of You Know Who's name. 

"Listen! I saw him!" Harry shouted as he stood up and spoke for the first time since the group arrived. Hermione stood back a step and let her friend take the reigns for a while. 

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