Chapter 45: The Undoing of Dolores Umbridge

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A/N: Another chapter update after almost 24 hours? Say whaaaaaaaaat? 

"What do you mean you saw Sirius being tortured by Voldemort?" Hermione said shaking her head in confusion.

"I mean exactly that!" Harry exasperated to his friends. "I saw him. I felt him being tortured,  and my scar hasn't stopped prickling since then."

"Harry that could've just been a dream." Ron tried to reason with his friend.

"IT WASN'T JUST A DREAM!" Harry yelled, as he threw his hands up in the air.

"Alright, say it wasn't a dream. Say it was a ... message." Hermione said getting quieter.

"It was a message, we need to go to the Department of Mysteries and save Sirius. NOW!" Harry said getting angrier and angrier. 

"No Harry, it could be that Voldemort wanted you to see that. Like he wanted you to think that Sirius was being tortured. But he could just be fine." Hermione tried to rationalise the situation, "Because, well, you have this sort of thing--"

"Sort of what Hermione?" Harry raised an eyebrow at her.

"You have a saving people thing." She shrugged. "He lured you into the Chamber of Secrets because he knew you wanted to save Ginny." 

Harry shook his head, "We need to get to the Department of Mysteries now!"

"Harry we should check, and not just rush into this head first mate." Ron added.

"How am I supposed to check?" Harry yelled.

"How are you supposed to check what?" Ginny said as she opened the door to the class room, behind her, Neville and Luna also walked in. 

"Ginny what are you doing here?" Ron scrunched up his face in confusion.

"We heard yelling from the hall, and now I want to know what you're all doing." Ginny folded her arms over her chest to display her standing her ground. "And I want in."

"Absolutely not. No way. You're not getting involved." Ron shook his head, and motioned for her to leave.

"You're not the boss of me Ron. I can make decisions for myself." Ginny said coolly. 

"Try telling that to Mum." Ron muttered. 

"Wait, they can help." Hermione smiled. 

Together they all devised a plan to have Harry and Hermione go under the Invisibility Cloak and sneak into Umbridge's office to use her fireplace to contact Grimmauld place and check if Sirius was there or not. Ron would go and find Umbridge and keep her as far away from her office as she could. Ginny would keep people from going down the hall near Umbridge's office. While Luna and Neville went down the other end of the hall to stop people from coming down that way.

Ginny kept people out of the hall by yelling about the 'Garrotting Gas' that someone had set off down the hall. Before anyone else knew it, the word had spread because less and less people were coming towards the hall. Hermione and Harry slipped under the cloak and then into Umbridge's office. 

"Harry we have to hurry, before anyone comes in or worse, Umbridge comes back." Hermione shuddered, as they walked into the room and threw off the cloak. 

"Yes, yes. But I swear he won't be there Hermione." Harry shook his head as he grabbed the flu powder into the fire and yelled the houses address, then he stuck his head straight into the fire. Hermione was left to look around the room at the hideously pink walls and the kittens in the plates that Umbridge had put on them.

As much as Hermione loved Crookshanks, she knew that she didn't want to see this many cats on a wall anywhere. She started to walk into the room more, when she heard the door knob turn slightly. On instinct she shoved the invisibility cloak into the pocket of her robes to conceal it from who ever was coming into the room. 

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