Chapter 28: Hermione's Idea

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For the rest of the morning, Hermione spent time with Fred sneaking around Hogwarts. Well, it wasn't really sneaking around, it was more running away from people who they had 'pranked' with Fred and George's products.

Often it resulted in the person being tricked into eating something out of the Weasley twins' Skiving Snackboxes that they wanted to try. After sprinting down hallways they hid in an empty classroom as a trio of sixth-year Slytherin boys ran past searching for them angrily. 

Two of them had red noses and trails of blood down their faces from eating Nosebleed Nougats. While the other trailed behind them closely with a green complexion and a sickly look on his face as he struggled to hold his breakfast after he had eaten a puking pastel. 

Hermione opened the door from the empty classroom after a moment as she tried to stop panting as much and calm her heart rate to its normal state again. 

Closing it quietly, Hermione saw Fred behind her with a quill in his hand, that was scratching down fast notes on a piece of parchment. As she walked closer, to see what he was writing, the brunette furrowed her eyebrows in interest. 

"What's that for?" She asked as she managed to snatch up the parchment before he could answer.

She read aloud the words on the paper, "Tests twenty-six, twenty-seven and twenty-eight, show that some students at Hogwarts (mostly Slytherins) are not target audience; for products to sell to, but use on." Her eyes widened as she realized that she was essentially helping Fred do the one thing she didn't want him to do.

"You're still testing products on people?" She yelled at him madly.

"Shhh! 'Mione keep your voice down!"

"No Fred, I ask you to do one thing! As not only a prefect but as your girlfriend, I will not stand by and let you do this to innocent wizards and witches!" Hermione stomped her feet with rage.

"Come on, you know those Slytherin's deserved it!"

"That is not the point! And another thing! Are you still using those first years because if you are..." But she was cut off before she could finish her sentence, by Fred pulling her into a kiss.

With their lips locked in passion, Hermione's heart melted and her brain went all fuzzy. Fred's hands trailed down her sides and rested on her hips whereas Hermione's hand pulled at Fred's hair. They remained in the kiss for a while before pulling apart to regain oxygen.

Hermione smiled as she closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against Fred's, as he did the same things. "You know, you can't-do that every time that you want me to stop talking."

"I know, but it's still fun." He chuckled.

"I think it's about time for lunch, we should probably go before someone catches us," Hermione said as she tried to recompose herself before she stepped closer to the door.

Fred nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we probably should." As Hermione was a step or two away from him, he grabbed her arm spinning her around so that she spun closer to him instead of the door. As she came really close to him he kissed her again with passion.

Although she was surprised, she still smiled into the kiss and was soon enjoying her Saturday morning again. 


After lunch, Hermione and Fred went down to the Quidditch pitch for Gryffindor's Quidditch team's first practice of the term. Fred went to the change rooms while Hermione sat with some of the other students, in the pitch's stands. 

When she was sitting down waiting for them to start practice, she looked around at the familiar stands she had spent time in each year cheering for her house with the many other students wearing their team colours proudly. 

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