Chapter 41: The Return to Hogwarts

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A/N: Merry Christmas, hope you enjoy the return to this book I'm so proud of!

Soon it was time for the Hogwarts students to put away their new presents, pack their trunks and head back to Hogwarts. But unlike other times, this particular time in question, they would be taking the Knight Bus to their destination.

Along with the Weasley's, Hermione and Harry, Tonks and Lupin had agreed to go on the bus with them to make sure they all made it to Hogwarts safe and sound. So when it was time to get on the bus from Grimmauld Place, the students all found themselves rugged up in knitted hats, scarves, mittens and jumpers courtesy of an insisting Mrs Weasley.

When they were on the bus, Hermione had to admit, it was the most uncomfortable use of Wizard transport that she had ever used. The bus would speed through the traffic of the unsuspecting muggle public, then it would stop immediately causing the whole bus to lurch forward.

Hermione had squished into two spare seats with Tonks in the other at the front of the bus on the third level, while Fred was on the first level with Ginny, George and Lupin. But Hermione was too concerned with trying not to have her stomach contents spread all over her and the floor of the bus, for most of the bus ride.

Finally, when the bus stopped, Hermione made a beeline for the bottom of the bus and out the door. She was so overjoyed that the ride was over, she fell to her knees in the cold snow and kissed the ground, then regretting her decision almost instantaneously.

When they arrived at school they received many stares from others and whispers between anyone who would pass the Weasley's, Hermione and Harry. Here and there Hermione would hear parts at what they were saying.

"I heard they spent Christmas at St Mungo's."

"Apparently it was their dad, something about he was investigating another muggle device and got the wrong end of it."

"Well I heard that it wasn't even a muggle device, but that's justs the excuse they're making because he's just completely mental."

When Hermione heard that comment, she had to keep a firm grip hold on Fred because he was about to turn around and start either fighting the younger wizard or throwing every untested Weasley Wizard Wheezes product at him.

A few days into their readjustment to Hogwarts, Harry told Hermione and Ron about how he had to start Occulmancy lessons on the insistent of Dumbledore. But much to his despise, Professor Snape had to teach him.

"If Dumbledore thinks you should be learning something, then it is surely of the utmost importance." Hermione had told Harry, as they walked through the well light halls of Hogwarts. He was about to go to the potions room for his first lesson while Ron and Hermione were going to the library to study.

"I suppose you're right, but why does it have to be Snape? I mean, Snape! Of all people he wants someone who hates me while I mutually hate them." Harry complained.

"Mate I would just go to Dumbledore and get him to teach me, never mind about Snape," Ron added.

"Harry just go to the lesson. Go now before Ronald puts any more silly ideas in your head." Hermione said pushing him in the direction of the other corridor.

Hermione and Ron walked to the library, and for a few hours, they worked on various homework tasks they had been set by their teachers. The brunette bookworm had rushed through her homework that had been set by Umbridge, as she didn't see the point in spending long amounts of time on something that wouldn't be taught in a practical sense as well.

"Honestly Ronald, that woman has taken over Hogwarts. I know I've said all of this before, but she needs to go. She has turned Defence Against the Dark Arts into something like a math class with a monotone teacher." Hermione raved in the library, while still trying to keep quiet.

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