Chapter 46: The Department of Mysteries

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A/N: Ahhh! So by the time this chapter is uploaded, I have officially finished writing this book. Don't worry though because I still have two more chapters after this one, an epilogue of feels and then a Q and A chapter I wanna do. Please if you wanna ask me some questions about me writing this book, DM me or hit me up in the comments. Thanks! 

"Ouch, that's my foot Ron." Hermione winced as Ron stood on her left foot.

"Sorry." He shrugged, "There's not much I can do about it now." 

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Luna and Ginny had all managed to squish themselves into a single phone booth that didn't feel as if it could get any smaller. They had all made it to the Ministry Visitors Entrance on their Thestrals, and thankfully no one fell off of theirs. 

The phone booth began to move slowly down, and soon the ground of England's streets was rising above them. When the phone booth finally came to a halt in the Ministry, it emitted a loud ding sound, and a woman's smooth voice said, "Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Have a pleasant evening and please submit your wand to be inspected at the security desk."

Harry was closest to the door and as soon as he opened them slightly, everyone fell out on top of him and onto the cold tiled floor. After dusting themselves off, the walked further into the Ministry, and past the central statue fountain. There was a security desk, but as they moved past it, they saw that no one was occupying it. 

The group of students moved towards the elevator, and once they were all in Harry pressed number nine on the side wall next to the door. Within seconds the elevator was zooming them through the lower levels of the ministry and lower and lower underground London. 

Again, when they stopped, the same cool female voice said, "Department of Mysteries". But unlike the phone booth they had all squished in earlier, they were able to walk out slowly and more carefully. Each of them raised their wands a bit, to be ready for anything or anyone they might come across. 

The group walked into the department more, and saw two doors. "Which door mate" Ron asked, nudging Harry. 

"Let's just try the left one first." 

The group followed his lead and they walked through the first door. They came into a large room with an open arch of a raised mound in the middle of the room. There was a bright light coming from the top of the room that it illuminated everything. But despite the bright light and being able to see everything in there, Hermione still felt an overwhelming feeling of discomfort. 

She couldn't quite pin point what it was about the room, but there was just an off feeling to it. Hermione saw Harry walk towards the arch more, she called out to him, "Harry I think we should go, Sirius isn't in here. Harry? Harry are you listening?" 

She walked over to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Harry we have to find Sirius. Come on." 

He inhaled sharply, as if he had pulled himself out of a trance. "Did you hear the voices?"

"What voices?"

"The voices near the veil. The veil that's covering the arch." Harry pointed as if it was obvious.

"Harry, there aren't any voices and there is no veil. It's just an empty arch." Hermione tried to explain. "Come on, we have to go and find Sirius." 

Finally this seemed to sink in, and the group left the room. "Wands up everyone, be ready for anything," Harry advised as he opened the other door.

As soon as he opened it, Hermione saw an endless room. It was filled with shelves upon shelves all with old globes, some were just pitch black, and others had gold colours swirling around in them. "How curious." Hermione thought to herself.

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