Chapter 20

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A/N: I told you that the next chapter would be up soon. HA. By the way, 3.2K READS! Guys that is crazy awesome!!! Enjoy.

After poking around Diagon Alley for a while and walking in and out of shops, Fred and Hermione were still amazed at the different items each shop sold. Hermione especially loved the wizarding shops. Things were often flying or moving around in each shop as part of the displays.

In any 'normal' muggle shop there would probably be only manikins or a boring animatronic display. But not in wizard shops, especially not in Diagon Alley. The crowd was pretty constant all the time that Fred and Hermione were walking around. 

Sometime in the mid-afternoon, they both decided that they should head back to 12 Grimmauld Place. "Hopefully, no one has realised that we have gone..." Trailed off Hermione as they were preparing to apparate out of Diagon Alley. 

"Yeah. Or at least hope that Ginny and George didn't get caught trying to hide where we actually were." Smiled Fred, he held her hand again and prepared for the flying sensation to start again. 

The pair of them apparated back into the trees in the park opposite 12 Grimmauld Place. Hermione's feet touched the ground. Her stomach lurched forward, she couldn't hold it in this time. He stomach contents we now behind a bush. 

After a few minutes of Hermione's gut wrenching, and Fred holding back her hair and rubbing her back, she stopped. "I think that someone's going to notice that I have a grotesk odour around me if I go inside now." Mumbled Hermione with her hair everywhere and covering most of her hair.

"Right." Fred realised, with a flick of his wand, Hermione felt her hair move around, and the smell and disgusting taste disappeared from her mouth and around her. "That should solve that problem." 

She smiled at him, then turned to her left across the street, to look at the where the house was supposed to be. "But the next problem is trying to get in the house without muggles seeing it and without being caught by the order."

"Or worse, my mother." Shuddered Fred.

"Just out of curiosity. What would happen if she caught us sneaking back in?" 

Looking her he quickly said, "Curses, jinxes, non-magic use, ban on pranks and all Weasley Wizard Wheezes products. I don't know." He paused. "Scratch that on our products, she thinks that we don't have those anymore. Well, she kind of thinks we do, but she knows that we hide them, and she can't find them."

"So where do you hide them?"

"In Ginny's or Ron's rooms."

"Really? And she hasn't found them?"

"Yes and no. Those two are also getting some of the products for free. Well, we're also kind of testing some of them on Ron and Ginny. But they knew what they were getting themselves into."

"Hmm". Laughed Hermione. "We really do need to get back inside though."

"Yeah. Alright, are there any muggles around. Any in the park or on the street. Generally, it is pretty quiet."

"No, I don't see any. Oh, wait there is a muggle getting into his car... and he's driven away. My original answer stands. There are no muggles." Hermione turns back to Fred, he's looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Thankyou for that amazing report on the muggle situation and his every move." Sarcasm clear in his sentence. "Okay. Since there is none left in the street, now is the best time to go across."

The pair ran across the street. Looking at the paper after a few seconds the houses began to move. Hermione was worried that someone would drive down the street or they would look out a window and just see a row of houses moving, entirely by themselves.

Rushing to the door and opening it as quiet as possible, Hermione poked her head in. All seemed quiet, especially the horrible painting of Sirius's mother. She turned behind her and motioned Fred to follow her in, but quietly. 

Almost tiptoeing in, they shut the door. The painting was still quiet. Fred and Hermione climbed the stairs with about no problems. Hermione opened the door to her and Ginny's room, again Fred followed her in. Ginny sat on her bed, lying on her stomach and reading a book, with an angry expression on her face.

"Hey Gin." Smiled Hermione. The red headed girl looked up at her and saw Fred, her eyes wide with shock. Ginny opened her mouth about to speak but was interrupted by an older woman's voice.


Within the first sentence of her rant, the shrieking of the hallway paintings began. Not just Mrs Black but the other ones too. But soon the swishes and sounds of wands firing and quieting of the hall meant that other wizards had gotten to the paintings quickly.


"Well, mum I am of age. That kind of makes me an adult wizard..." Fred begun but quickly stopped as she gave him a serious glare. 

"YOUR FATHER, FREDRICK WEASLEY, AND I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK!" She shouted, pointing an accusing finger at him. "AND YOU HERMIONE!" She turned to the brunette.


The door to the room opened suddenly. Sirius stood there. "Actually Molly, they told me."

Mrs Weasley looked absolutely confused. "They told you?"

"You sound very surprised. But yes. Listen, they're young. You can't expect a young couple to stay couped up in the same place with lots of other people, such as their family, around them all the time. It was sort of my suggestion that they go out and enjoy themselves for a while. I gave them the invitation or piece of parchment allowing them back into the house too."

"Really?" Asked Mrs Weasley trying to process everything. 

"Molly, I really think that we should leave these three be. I also think that George and Ron will want to see them too. If you would like, we can continue this conversation in a better manner downstairs. Or at least somewhere where my horrible mother won't be able to hear us. She already despises us enough."

She nodded at him and took a few steps to the door, but stopped. "You two are still in trouble. I will decide what to do with you two later though. I don't have the strength to yell anymore today." Mrs Weasley walked out the door as Sirius shut it he looked back inside.

"I'm hoping it was worth it. Because I'm sticking my head on the line. She's already almost bitten my head off earlier today." With that, he shut the door.

Hermione looked back to Ginny, who was not alone on her bed anymore. George was on one side of her, and Ron sat on Hermione's bed. "Was it actually worth it?" Asked Ron.

The pair of them shared a look, smiling at each other, they nodded. It was worth it. Just to spend time with each other alone, for a few hours, was worth it. "You had better of gotten us something from where ever you went. Otherwise, it wasn't worth us getting found out from mum. Because she yelled at the three of us for ten minutes straight, and the Order is getting sick of having to re-stun Mrs Black's painting." Stated George.

Fred and Hermione nodded. They pulled out of their pockets lots of various lollies and sweets from Sugarplum's Sweets Shop. There was sweets like Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Bott's every flavour of beans, Droobles best-blowing gum, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes and Licorice Wands. 

They split up the various sweets between the five of them. But Ron, Ginny and George got the most, since they had to put up with the most yelling. "Do you guys think it was worth it?" Asked Hermione in a joking manner.

In between chewing and eating his various lollies, Ron managed to say, "Definitely". They all shared a laugh at the way Ron seemed to be enjoying the sweets the most. 

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