Chapter 12

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A/N: I've seen on some other books that people have song selections for a chapter, so let's see how this goes. My song selection for this chapter is:Lego House: Ed Sheeran

Fred turned back around, he looked up and pointed the broom to the skies. They flew up so fast that Hermione had to hold on so tightly around Fred's chest that if she held on any tighter she thought that her nails would dig into his skin.

When they were basically able to touch the clouds, Fred stopped the broom. They sat there on the broom, Hermione still holding on tightly to Fred.

"'Mione we've stopped. You can let go a bit." Fred smirked.

"I'm not scared. I just don't want to let go. I'm afraid if I do I might lose you."

Fred turned around on the broom so that his body was now facing Hermione. "You won't lose me love." He put his left hand underneath her chin and pulled her closer to him.

She closed the gap between them with her lips. Passion exploded within the kiss. Their lips moved and around each other. There passion for each other was definitely shown in this kiss.After quite a while and some serious snogging the pair pulled away from each other. Both with big smiles on there faces.

Hermione looked to the right of her. She had bearly had time to realise her surroundings. It was a true picture.

They were surround as if they were in a sea of clouds. They could see white fluffy clouds and light blue sky in all directions around them.

Hermione pointed out to her right side. "Look at that cloud, it looks as if it's smiling."

Fred looked to where she was pointing. Sure enough she was right, it did look like it was smiling at them. Hermione leaned forward to the cloud, she felt as if she could touch it almost. That is something that she always wanted to do.

But as she leant out further, she had gone too far. She had slipped off of the broom. As she plummeted to the ground below her. All the way she was screaming. She was going to die this was the end of Hermione Granger, she thought.

She closed her eyes, put her hands over her eyes and screamed out "Someone save me!". But mere seconds after she had said this she felt as if she was caught. She had stopped falling, or at least she had slowed down. She took her hands off of her eyes and opened them slowly.

Light streamed all around her. Her eyes had only started to adjust and she could barely see through the tears that were streaming down her face after such a horrifying experience. She could only just see an outline of a boy. "Oh merlin's beard. Fred you caught me." she said feeling relieved and wrapped her arms around him.

"Close Hermione" said the boy. "Ron Weasley caught you." Hermione let him go immediately. She wiped her eyes and her vision was blurry anymore. She could easily tell that it was Ron now, not Fred.

She looked around her self, she saw Fred hurtling towards them. Anger flashed across his face. Within seconds he had flew so fast through the air from such a fair distance away that he barely stopped in time to be where the other two were on the broom. "Ron what are you doing?" His face full of anger.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. Fred." Ron furrowed his eyebrows at his brother.

"I don't need to answer to you. You are my younger brother. I don't take orders from you. You should be taking them from me" Fred folded his arms across his chest while the two brothers hover a fair distance from the ground on there broom sticks.

Ron imitated his brother and did the same thing, he crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't take orders from backstabbing brothers. No. From backstabbing friends. And I sure as merlin's beard don't talk to them. Unless they want to fight me"

"Is this what it has come to Ron. You and me fighting. Because if we were to fight, you know that I could kick your arse any day, any time, any place"

"Oh I sure as hell am ready to fight. Let's go. You and me." Before things went any further, Hermione wedged herself between the two boys. She tried to push them back from each other.

Fed up she yelled. "ENOUGH ALREADY! Honestly you two are brothers. I'm not going to let one of my best friend's beat up my boyfriend. And I am defiantly not going to let my boyfriend beat up one of my best friends!"

The two boys stopped. They both looked at her in the same way. "Listen. If you two want to have it out, then why not play a game of quidditch?"

She looked at Fred. He nodded. Then she looked at Ron, "Fine. Just know Fred, you should prepare to be beaten so badly!" With that Hermione took the opportunity to climb onto Fred's broom, luckily she had because Ron flew away back down to the ground really fast.

"Well what's got his knickers in a twist?" Fred asked still frowning at where Ron had flown away to."He's just jealous. But he also knows that he's go his work cut out for him, if he want's to beat you that is." Hermione pulled Fred closer to her.

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