Chapter 18

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For the next hour or so Hermione had caught up with both Ginny and Ron. Ginny who had held Hermione in a bone crushing hug, just like Mrs Weasley, when she saw her.

Ron at first was hesitant but Hermione explained that despite her and Fred, being together, she still wanted to be close friends with Ron. He of course agreed, but he still scowled seeing Fred standing next to Hermione.

Since Hermione left her house just after she had had tea, and it was now dark outside, she and Ginny sat in their shared room for a while and just talked between the two of them. "So 'Mione, how was your 'holidays with the muggles'?" Asked Ginny.

"It was nice not having constant magic talk all around me. Besides it helps to get away from that every now and then, it really helps me to realise that magic is a wonderful thing that we cannot forget is a very special gift"

"Well I can see that you spent much of your time, thinking about philosophical things such as that. But to me magic is an advantaged lifestyle that we have, and the muggles don't" Ginny smirked. "I mean, what would our lives be without quidditch." She motioned as if she was shocked and horrified.

Hermione giggled as Ginny kept making dying sounds and kept 'fainting' on the bed she sat on, while Hermione sat crossed legged on the one opposite Ginny's.

Two loud crack sounds interrupted Hermione's laughing and Ginny's acting. Instantly appeared on each side of Hermione was two flaming haired boys. The brunette let out a small shriek but she covered her mouth instantly to avoid waking up the horrible painting in the hallway.

Both Fred and George were doubled over in laughter on the bed as she blushed violently. Ginny too had joined in laughing with her brothers. But they all stopped laughing when they all heard the door to the room open.

They turned to look who was in the door and there stood Hogwarts old Defence Against the Dark Arts; Professor Remus Lupin. "Professor Lupin?" Lupin's mouth curled into a smile and he nodded at Hermione.

"There is someone down stairs that wishes to see you all." He simply stated, motioning for them to follow them. The four Weasley's and Hermione followed suit. Fred walked next to Hermione and held her hand as they walked silently, except for the sound their feet made with each step, down the stairs of the dark house.

They all walked down and into the kitchen to see Sirius, Mr and Mrs Weasley, a pink haired witch who smiled warmly at them as they entered, and a few other witches and wizards were around the large kitchen. Some stood and a few sat at the table. All looked serious, many faced another wizard who was using his wand to make tea magically float around into a cup and make itself.

But a few including the pink haired witch and Mrs Weasley realised the new people entering the room. Hermione studied the people in the room as she and the others sat down at the table.

She saw that there was actually Charlie and Bill Weasley there too, but there were paying attention to the wizard who stood at the far end of the room, opposite to where the audience of witches and wizards were.

The wizard who had now gotten everyone's attention turned around and to Hermione's astonishment was actually, Albus Dumbledore. "Thank you all for giving me an audience. As you know since the return of Lord Voldemort at the end of the schools semester means there is tough times ahead". Many flinched when Dumbledore said 'Lord Voldemort', many preferred not to say the name of one of the most feared wizards of all time.

Dumbledore continued, "The rotations of wizards and witches watching the... um... thing in question." He said, looking back and forward to Hermione and Ron, who both shared a questionable look. "

The rest of the meeting consisted of Dumbledore explaining about the Order's plans were to continue on schedule and that the members 'on duty to guard the subject with extreme care' they were also not to let the subject know that he was being followed.

Although he didn't say who it was during the meeting Ron and Hermione approached the Headmaster when the meeting had ended and many others were talking amongst themselves. They walked over to him as someone had finished their conversation with Dumbledore.

"Professor Dumbledore can we have a word?" Queried Hermione.

"Yes, of course. In fact, I wanted to particularly talk to you to." He calmly said.

"About what, Professor?" Asked Ron.

"It's about Harry, and his safety. We're all worried about him, concerned that..."

"...That 'You know who' will try to attack him" Hermione finished Dumbledore's words for him, to which he nodded at her.

"Yes. It would also be safe to assume that you to intend to write to Harry though out the holidays, am I correct?" Hermione and Ron nodded in response. "Well for Harry's safety and ours, I ask that you do not mention where you are, or that... he... is the one that the Order is keeping an eye on."

Both of Harry's best friends widened there eyes and were a little shocked that Harry was being constantly watched, by good people though. But being constantly watched, and Harry not knowing about it, would surely cause major problems if he were to find out, Hermione thought.

"Well, I'm afraid this shall be the end of our conversation since I must leave you both to talk to other members of the Order. But please do consider Harry's and our safety's VERY seriously before even thinking about mentioning this to him, please."Finished Dumbledore, he then went and started to talk with others.

For a while longer, the some of the Order talked to each other in the kitchen, but Mrs Weasley decided that it late enough for the Weasley children, and Hermione. So she sent them up the stairs to bed. Quietly they crept past the painting of that horrible woman and to their rooms. With the girls on floor two, Ginny went straight into the room, leaving Hermione to say goodnight to the others.

George and Ron continued up the stairs, Ron went into a room on the next floor and George into a room two floors above where Hermione and Fred stood. Fred took Hermione in a comforting hug, he held her in his arms for a while. With the hallway having not any noises but voices that had floated up from downstairs, Hermione and Fred were in a comfortable silence.

After a few minutes Hermione decided Ginny might come back out of the room and drag her in, but she didn't. Despite that thought still in the back of her head, Hermione looked up and stood on her tippy toes to help her gain extra height. This only cause her to erupt with laughter as Fred looked down at her chuckling lightly.

Shaking his head, he leaned down and kissed her. "Why are you so damn tall?" Smiled Hermione.

"Good night 'Moine." Fred chuckled, hugging her again and then climbing up the stairs. Shaking her head and still grinning Hermione opened to door and went to bed.Her last thoughts before she let sleep envelop her were, 'What a good ending to a good day"

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