Chapter 14

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Song Suggestion: Ed Sheeran-Castle on the Hill(obviously I love him and this song #obsessedwithit) or The XX- Intro
AN: Enjoy guys the double update. WARNING I USE SOME SWEARING AHEAD

Ginny raced back up into the sky. High fiving Fred again, this time pulling him into a hug. "Great job baby sis. Just know if you keep scoring like that we are going to have to get you into a big league team. Not just Gryffindor's team right." He told her.

She smiled and nodded at him. "Sounds good to me. Do we have any game plan here or are we just planning on kicking their asses? Public humiliation? An ass whooping? Or are you just trying to make Ron redder and angrier than his hair?"

"All of the above." Smirked Fred. Ginny's smile widened to be across her whole face. "Then let's do this shit."

Their attention turned back to Bill as he said, "Both teams ready again?" he looked to each team in their positions nodding. "Let's quidditch." Like before he released the bludger and threw the quaffle in more of Charlie's direction, but still up in the air.

Unlike last time Charlie got the quaffel first. What he didn't notice was that Ginny had snuck up behind him and she was very easily able to hit the quaffle out of his grasp. She picked it up before it almost hit the ground.

Fred went for the bludger this time, hitting it straight at Ron. Harry unlike Fred had done moments before, was not able to save the bludger from hitting his team's keeper. Thus the bludger hit Ron straight in the chest making him have the wind knocked straight out of him. Harry immediately called to Bill to call a time out, which he did after taking one look at Ron seeing him almost trying to gasp for air.

Charlie and Ginny stopped, with Charlie flying over to his teammate. Harry being by Ron's side he put his arm on Ron's back. "Ron? Can you breathe properly?" He asked him concerned. Starting to get some air back in his lungs Ron said between gasps "Oh yeah... no I totally... fine... Harry! Just... give me... a minute"

Fred was still in the same spot he was a moment before he hit the bludger. But now he had his arms crossed. He sighed thinking "I didn't want him to actually get hurt. But maybe he needed to be taught a lesson. I didn't hit it that hard at him... did I?"

He decided to fly over there since all the others were with Ron. As he got close he opened his mouth and began "Listen Ron I..."

"Oh don't you even start with me! You are an insolent prat who thinks that it is a good idea to go around steeling people's best friends and crushes!" Shouted Ron. Fred's face furrowed as his eyebrows arched his expression became serious.

"Oh and another thing!" Continued Ron, still shouting. "It is not okay to seriously injure your brother! Not to mention getting half of the fucking family on your side!" Everyone widened their eyes at this as he said the last part.

"Listen here Ron. Just because she picked me and not you, doesn't mean that you have to insult and take this out on everyone else, ESPECIALLY YOUR FAMILY!" Fred raised his voice to a loud shout.


Back down on the ground Mrs Weasley and Hermione were trying to figure out what was happening with the match. Everyone seemed to be playing well one minute, then the next, it was almost as if they were about to start a war.

"What is happening now?" Asked Mrs Weasley watching them argue.

"I don't know. But it seems to be getting worse." Replied Hermione. She looked around her, and to her left she barely saw two broomsticks in the families shed. She jogged over to them and brought them back for her and Mrs Weasley.

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