Chapter 38: Visiting St Mungo's

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Quick words were exchanged between Dumbledore and some of the paintings of his office. Urgency was clearing in their voices as they spoke to each other, one professor Dumbledore turned to McGonagall. 

They nod to each other in a silent agreement. Quickly Dumbledore turned to the others been instructed them all to crowd around an old kettle that was lying on his desk.

"I'm sending you all to Sirius' house. Your mother will meet you there. Portkey is the only safe way of transportation, the flu network is being monitored closely." Dumbledore said looking at each of them.

As soon as all of the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione had held onto the old kettle, their feet were swept off the ground, had to let go of the Portkey. In quickly they have found themselves in the dusty kitchen of 12 of Grimmauld Place.

Hermione looked around in the familiar place, the only real difference she saw was that the kitchen was collecting another layer of dust and many of its things. But her attention quickly turned to see, Sirius with his head lopped over this sat at the kitchen table.

But it only took a second before he realized they were others in the kitchen. He raised his head and smiled at the others. The next couple of hours everyone sat around the dining table awaiting news. It had a glass of bottle beer in front of them, much of which was left undrunk. 

When they had all arrived Fred, George and Sirius had got into a loud argument about the Order again, but when it was over they all fell into chairs at the dining table and the silence began. Hermione sat in the chair next to Fred, and she tried to calm him down by holding his hands under the table.

But he was still annoyed, so he avoided eye contact with her. He just sat there burning holes into the table in front of him. While everyone else waited in silence, Hermione was left to her thoughts. 

Hermione worried about how Mr Weasley was so unprepared for an attack, and then her thoughts escalated to what if her parents were attacked. They were muggles, they'd have even less of a chance against the world of magic. The thought sent shivers down her spine.

Everone sat up in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place for a couple more hours before Mrs Weasley, who had shown up an hour after they had all arrived, said that it was time for bed. The teenagers all trudged up the stairs together. Each returned to the rooms they had been using during the holidays.

Hermione was about to walk through the door of the bedroom, she would share with Ginny again, but she turned around hoping to hug Fred goodnight. But she found that he had continued up the stairs without looking back. 

Although she was disappointed, Hermione understood why he was in that current state. So she shook her head and walked into the room, as soon as her head hit the bed, she fell into a sleeping state.


The next day the group of Weasleys, Mrs. Weasley, Harry and Hermione included, found themselves following Madeye Moody and Tonks through the streets of London to go to St Mungo's hospital.

The students' trunks had all arrived from Hogwarts by the time they had had breakfast earlier in the morning, so they were all able to change out of their only set of clothes, their pajamas, and into some more muggle looking clothing. Which helped as they could blend easily into the busy workday streets of Muggle London.

As they moved through the streets, Hermione was glad that Fred's mood had changed back to his fairly normal self, happy and smiling at the world around him. He also held her hand as they moved through the crowd of ever moving people, that put a smile on Hermione's face. 

Suddenly Tonks, who was leading them all, stopped right in front of what looked like an old broken, and very shut store. Hermione saw her lean over to the mangey looking dummy in the window, and she whispered something to it. Her eyes widened as Tonks then grabbed the hands of Mrs. Weasley and Ginny and pulled them through the window!

Instead of them smashing into it, they just vanished into thin air. Quickly following suit, Fred pulled Hermione through the glass, and behind them George pulled Ron through, leaving Harry and Mad-Eye to bring up the rear. 

When they walked through, Hermione was amazed to see they had ended up in some magical like reception room. Everywhere they were wizards, witches and other magical creatures there for a purpose. 

Some of them had weird things about them, one lady made a whistling noise every few seconds while steam poured out of her mouth constantly. There was another wizard sitting in a chair next to a wall that had a hand protruding through the middle of his chest, as Hermione looked in that direction, she swore that the hand even waved at her. 

The only thing that kept her from observing the other magical mishappenings around her, was Fred tugging her along by his hand. The group found themselves all waiting in line to talk to the lady at the front desk about finding Mr. Weasley.

Eventually, they got to the front of the line and the witch wearing the hospitals green uniform, with a small badge with a wand and a bone, pointed them to the wing and room that he was in. Again Hermione found herself being pulled along by Fred as his pace increased like the other Weasleys.

They pushed through the hospital and found the room that Mr. Weasley was staying in, marked Dangerous Dai Llewellyn Ward; Serious Bites. 

"We'll wait outside," Tonks spoke up. "He'll probably only want to see family first." 

Hermione and Harry stepped back but Molly's quicky reflexes she grabbed a hold of the pair of them, "Come on you too. You're both practically part of the family, and Harry he'll want to thank you for sending help so quickly." The Weasley mother smiled at both of them.

Hermione shrugged and nodded at her smiling. Practically part of the family already, she laughed to herself, as she followed the others into the hospital room.

A/N: Hey guys, so this is like my third update where I'm actually sticking to my one update a week thing. Yay! If you could do me a massive favor and check out my rant book, I've also updated that today! Thanks, Chloe

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