Chapter 3

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The comment that Hermione had made earlier about her admiring Fred's well toned body had stuck in his head all day.

He had thought about it as he walked back outside.He thought about what she said as he laid back down on the grass and drifted off to an easy sleep.

In his dream, Fred saw himself at a party. Whose it was he had no idea. He walked around for a bit until he walked into someone.

When he walked into her, she had spilt her drink all over her shirt.

"Why don't you watch where you're going?" she said as she picked up her cup from the ground her hair fell in front of her face.

Fred couldn't tell who the girl was, but she looked familiar to him. There was something about her hair that he knew.

As he brushed her hair out of her face, he could clearly see who it was.

It was none other than Hermione.She looked beautiful.

She wore skin tight jeans and a loose mid-arm length shirt. But the shirt was now covered in what looked like pumpkin juice.

"Fred." she said while suddenly smiling at the taller boy.

"Yes?" "I've been looking all over for you." She said to him as she pulled him closer to her so that their bodies were touching.

"Have you?" Fred said sounding shock by her sudden gesture.

As she pulled him closer she stood on her toes and whispered into his ear "Yes... and we haven't even explored the house yet. Besides you said that we would spend some time alone..."

As she pulled away Fred's face turned multiple shades of red, a scarlet red is where it ended up.

But before he could say anything in return, Fred's body was being shaken by someone else.

He opened his eyes to see his twin George, sitting beside him with a mischievous grin on his face.

"What were you dreaming about Gred?"

"Nothing Feorge. Besides how did you know that I was dreaming?"

"Because as I apparated to our room, I could see you out the window laying on the ground. Curious I came out to find you asleep with this smile on your face like you are really excited or something."

"I... um... it was nothing... just a dream."

"What happened?" George asked sounding curious.

"Nothing" Fred replied quickly. He knew that George would let this go, even more since he felt his face start to blush.

"Really??" Asked George sounding even more curious to why his twin would not tell him something.

"Fred! George! It's lunch time!" Called Mrs Weasley from the kitchen.

As soon as Fred heard this he jumped up and started to walk to the house.

His twin did the same, catching up with him."You know you can't keep this from me forever right? I will find out."

George whispered to Fred as he walked in the house door.

Shaken up by this Fred froze up, his family members moved around him in the busy kitchen.

Fred snapped out of it when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned around expecting it to be Ron or Ginny but looked down and saw a smirking Hermione.

"You alright Fred?" she asked.

"Yeah. Fine, just... zoned out there for a bit" he said, smiling.

He was soon interrupted as Hermione was almost tackled to the ground from Ginny who had sneaked up behind her and hugged her from behind.

"AAAHHHHHHH!" Hermione shrieked as she started to fall from Ginny's sudden gesture of affection for her best friend.

Without thinking about it Fred caught Hermione in his arms.

She looked up at him with a very red and embarrassed face.

"Um thanks Fred" she murmured while standing back up on her feet.

He looked at her for a little longer than he probably should have.

A minute later she was being pulled away by Ginny to the other end of the table.


"I'M COMING RIGHT NOW!" Yelled Ron as everyone heard a door opened and hit the inside of his bedroom wall.

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