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"This isn't like you Margo, what is happening"

"Nothing" my defensive voice lingered in the front room. I was guilty of everything and everyone knew it.

"What happened to the little girl in New Hampshire? The girl that everyone loved. Not the dark, violent person that you're turning out to be. It's like you don't even think anymore."

There comes a certain point where you become so numb to the things your parents say about you.

Although, they were right. They always were, I knew it, and so did they. I had changed, but it was because of them. Because they insisted on tearing me away from my everything, my whole life.

The early fall of last year, I was elected class president and homecoming princess. I'd always have a smile on my face, bright and bubbly. Drugs were a sin sent from god and I wouldn't even consider harming another person.

A year later, packed up and moved across the country so quickly, I find myself in a black sweater, arguing with my parents over getting suspended for getting in a fight with a girl and getting caught smoking.

"It was your first day for god sakes! You know you can go to prison for underage smoking?" My dad's voice echoed through the large empty house.

He always did that. Over exaggerated stuff when ever he wanted me to smarten up. I don't believe half of the things he says anymore, because even as a kid, he'd try to tell me the most bullshit excuses.

I watched my mom shake her head. She was disappointed. I could see it in her eyes. The way she glanced at me then back down at the counter.

"This is your fault you know" I gave up on my silence

Both their eyebrows raised

"You're the one that found the need to drag me to this shithole"

"Watch your language."

Rolling my eyes, I turned around and made my way upstairs.

"Youre grounded" My moms monotone voice made me uncomfortable, she didn't have any emotion since things had turned with her and dad.

"Wanna tell me anything new?" I yelled back from the hallway.

"Margo Elisabeth!"

I responded by slamming my bedroom door shut. I didn't understand them- they didn't understand me, nobody did really, besides the junkies at school that feel like they connect to everyone as long as they're higher than the ceiling.

Pushing my curtains aside I slid the white chipped window pain up.
Quietly grunting, I pushed myself up on the window sill. I had figured out a way to get out of this house before we even managed to move in.

I stepped down onto the low platformed roof top below, and carefully jumped to the icy grass, landing slightly on my knees.

I looked down at my dark washed jeans, little wet grass stains had formed on the knees of the pants


Going around the house, I opened the gate from the backyard and made my way down the sidewalk.

I had found a small park a few days ago. It wasn't much of a park, a few trees and a couple benches on top of a hill. But it was quiet, empty and far enough from my dreaded life.

Sitting on the cold metal bench I shivered. It was mid winter in Northern California. There was only an inch of snow on the ground, but it was cold enough to be buried in it.

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