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"Let go of me!"

My voice echoed outside as my feet skidded against the cement in my sandals.

"You're not my father stop trying to act like it!"

He continued to pull with one hand on my wrist and the other pushing on my waist.

He brought me out to the side of his car and opened the door.

I hit him continuously in the arm while using my hands and feet to push myself away from getting in the car.

"Jesus Christ Margo just get in the car"

"Stop treating me like a child. I can do what I want."

Jace shook his head and picked me up at the waist, somehow managing to put me in the car, and close the door harshly behind him.

I yelled at him for a ten minute drive, but things were hazy and everything was happening too quick to register.

He brought me into his house and into the kitchen.

"Why am I here"

"Because you're high Margo" He filled a clear glass with water and handed it to me "Drink this"

I kept the glass between my fingers on the counter "How do you know?"

He raised his eyebrows and watched me.

He didnt say a word to me until the glass was gone.

"Go take a shower, it'll help. I'll give you some clothes, you can crash on my bed for a while"

Protesting I stood up, "I'm not tired"

"You will be in about fifteen minutes"

"Just take me home"

"To your parents?"

I nodded.

"If you were mentally stable right now you'd know that wasn't a serious question."

"I want to go home."

"No you don't"

The room started spinning worse than it had before. Sitting down I grabbed onto the edge of the counter and looked down.

Jace left the room. Leaving me sit there for around ten minutes. But everything was so blurred, so fuzzy and terrible that I didn't have a relevant sense of timing.

"Towel and some clothes are in the bathroom."  Jace spoke behind me.

Turning around unsteadily, I looked at him loopy.

He sighed and pulled me up, leading my heavy feet up the stairs and across the hall to his room.

"Bathrooms right there" He motioned to the closed door to the left of his bed  "Let me know if you need anything"

I nodded, then looked back to find him gone.

My mind was everywhere at this point. I felt hyper but that my eyelids weren't opening as fast.

I turned on the water and looked in the mirror laughing. I could have sworn I looked like John Lennon, or maybe it was Randy Jackson.

Leaving my clothes in the middle of the floor, I stepped into the warm shower. But about five minutes in I took the reasoning that the room was spinning enough for me to want to sit down.

I sat there for a long time. My mind going in and out of reality. I felt like shit now.

I reached up, turning the water off. But remained sitting quietly on the cold shower floor. I didn't remember what I was doing, what I was supposed to be doing.

My head was thobing when I stood up. I reached out for a towel and slipped. Catching myself with my hands on the counter.

I shivered and wrapped the towel around me once I regained gravity.

I picked up the gray sweatshirt over the basketball shorts that were folded on the counter next to me. I'd take it over ripped jeans and a tight long sleeve shirt that made me feel like my arms were about to burst.

I slipped my bra and underwear back on, hitting myself in the face with my wet hair every time I moved.

I pulled the sweatshirt on and bunched up the sleaves to my elbows.  Rolling the top of the basketball shorts so that it fit properly.

I attempted to run my fingers through my dark hair to get the knots out. And as soon as I halfway managed it, I walked out of his room, and down the stairs.

I felt my mood starting to go from giddy to slow really quickly.

I was about halfway down the stair case when Jace started coming up.

"You okay?"

I nodded

He looked at me silently biting his lip for a moment "Good"

I stood there a few stairs up from him, awkward and silent.

"Let's go upstairs, get you in bed"

"I'm not tired"

"You will be" He walked up to the step before mine, and motioned behind me.

Complying I turned around and dragged my feet up the rest of the steps.

"You're not as loopy as I expected" Jace spoke, pulling down the covers in his bed for me.

" I feel pretty shitty" I sat in his bed and pulled the blankets over my legs.

"You'll feel a little better when you wake up"

I nodded and laid down. I didn't think much about anything at that point.

Once my body laid down, my eyelids became unbearable to keep open, and a wave of exhaustion came over me.

He was right, just like he always was.

I closed my eyes, feeling a gental touch of his thumb brushing my cheek befrore the overwhelming sense of emptyness in an empty room.

Even in my worse senses, he knew how to get to me.

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