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I opened my eyes squinting as the doorbell rung through my opened door from downstairs.

Looking at my alarm clock I sighed, rolling out of bed and readjusting my pajama shorts I treaded down the stairs.

Opening the door, rubbing my eyes, I stopped.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to see you"

"At seven o'clock on a Saturday?"

"Yeah" Jace shrugged and walked past me, inviting himself in.

"What if my parents were home are you insane?"

"Nah I saw them leave earlier- nice place by the way" He looked up the winding staircase.

I watched him by the front door, trying to imply for him to leave.

"You're not going to offer me breakfast?"

"What, barging your way in my house isn't enough for you?"

"Fair enough" he sighed.

"Is there a reason why you're here?"

"I told you I wanted to see you"


"Because I missed you" He grinned at me. "And, I knew this was the only way I could see you."

"There's a reason for that"

I walked past him and sat down on the couch.

"Look," He followed after me "I know, I've been kind of a douche lately-"

"A douche? I think you're beyond that Jace. Ignoring me? I heard you hung out with Ashley Thursday?"

"Sure but-"

"Did you sleep with her?"


"Did you sleep with her?"

"I don't know why that's important"

"It's important because you were siding with me about her a few days ago and then you slept with her"

"She was upset about what you had said, she wanted me to come over and she kissed me and-"

"You don't have to explain it to me" I sat for a second silently. "It's just kinda ironic that she has the nerve to things to me then act like the victim"

"... What did she say to you?"

"I wouldn't want you to sleep with me out of pity, so forget it"

"I'm not gonna sleep with you"

"Seems like you don't have a problem with sleeping with anyone else."

He looked at me for a minute "What?"

"Nothing" I got up and sighed "Can you leave now?"

"No." He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the couch "tell me what she said"

"What's it to you"

"Well, as I was saying before- I may have been being a douche, and I'm sorry. But I care about you."

"If you cared about me, you wouldn't have pretended to have not know me at school all week and then slept with the girl that I'd rather see in hell then anywhere else. Am I too embarrassing for you or something?"

"No- look I'm sorry"

"Yeah," I sighed, hesitating for a moment "She just, said things about my family. And it continued throughout the week."

badnews { jace norman }Where stories live. Discover now