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I crawled out of bed as my eyes trailed to the number on my alarm clock. 11:30. The doorbell was going off constantly downstairs.

I looked through my blinds at the dark sky. The streetlights fled on a parked car in my driveway. One I didnt recognize.

I headed down the stairs, the pant legs of my sweatpants dragging on the carpeted steps.

I opened the door. My eyes fogged from sleeping.

Brit stood, smile plastered on her face, waving the bottle in her right hand.

To her right, Sam. And to her left, one of the most beautiful smiles that I could never really get over.

"We're here to celebrate" Her words strung into a song. "Were you sleeping?"

"Its eleven thirty. Yes I was sleeping"

"Well wake up sleepy head. I know your moms away. Is your dad home?"

"Nah" I waved my hand, I motioned for them to come in "Hes drowning himself with beers at the bar with his lady friend. He probably wont be home until tomorrow"

"Good" She grinned. They walked to the kitchen counter. She set down the bottle. Sam setting down a six pack of beer next to it.

I watched them from the living room. Arms wrapped around my waist from behind me.

I turned around facing Jace.
He placed a hand on the side of my bare face. His grin gentally burning through every little feeling I had. 

"It really is the same old Margo after all"

I scrunched my eyebrows together. "What?"

"The makeup, the bright clothes. Its not how I remember you. This is."

"Its still me. Makeup or not."

He shook his head. "You're different"

I pushed him away "No im not"

He watched me. Unsurely.
"Look, I didnt come here to argue with you" He held onto my waist, pulling me back to him. His cold fingers brushing my warm skin of my back, under my tank top as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Ive just missed you. Alot. I still cant believe you're here".

"Youre not mad at me anymore?"

When I got back, he talked to me, but was reluctant. Almost as if he was mad, but scared of loosing me again.

"Yeah, I think so" He grinned. His lips gentally touched my nose. Pulling away as the others walked in.

"Didnt know we were interupting stuff." Brit walked in with her hands up, four beer bottles between her fingers.

She handed me one, grinning. I was going to tell her that I dont drink. That that was the old Margo. But I couldnt. Not after her smile.

I grabbed it, pulling myself down on the couch.

Brit next me. Sam stood, looking around at the pictures hung up on my living room wall.

Jace playfully sat on me, pushing him off between Brit and I, I rested my legs across his.

"Yall are a thing now?" Brit smiled.

"Nah" I shook my head. Pretending to take a drink from the bottle.

Jace studdied me. His eyes watching my every move.

"Is this you?" Sam pointed to the picture on the mantle. His bottle in the same hand as his pointed finger.

I nodded at the silver framed picture. The night I was elected Homecommimg princess.

"Is that your boyfriend standing next to you?"

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