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Going into it I expected a rodeo clown, the joker, or Kim Mcguire in CryBaby.

I told her that there was no point. That I was going to take it off right after. But she insisted.

Close to almost two hours later she set down her makeup brush and smiled
"My masta' piece is finished"

And despite my thoughts leading up to the moment of looking in the mirror, I looked like any other girl. One of the ones online that two years ago I tried so desparetly to look like.

"You look hot" Brits proud smile burned holes through my self esteem.

I shrugged it off and sat back down, resisting the urge to rest my head on my hands.

The quiet knock on the door caused Brit to glance my way, but not say anything until the knocks grew louder.

Over the movie, she yelled "Come in"

Sam stood, laughs and voices came from behind him.

"I thought yall were going to the movies?"

"Yeah well, we got there and they were sold out. Princesses back here took too long to long to get ready."

He walked in with his friends following.  My eyes widened as I watched Jace walk in, flopping down across Brits bed, watching the ceiling.

I looked down at my phone, but he sat up. Watching me silently. Blank expression.

"Anyway, we rented a few movies. Didn't know if you guys wanted to come down, watch them with us"

Brit and I exchanged looks as she nodded. "Yeah, we'll be down in a little"

"Kay" Sam walked out with Josh ahead of him. Jace hesitated to move. His eyes stung into me. My nerves heated through my reddened cheeks as the slightest hint of smile crept across his lips.

Brit was watching him. I looked down as he left, pretending not to notice. But her blue contact orbs were glued right down the the seams on his khakis.

The moment that the door swung shut behind him I widened my eyes in the 'what the hell' look towards Brit.


"Why didn't you tell me he was coming?" I whispered loudly

"Because dummy, I didn't figure that I needed to. You were standing right next to Sam when he mentioned it."

"Wha- he said Josh and 'Squints' how the hell was I supposed to piece that one together?"

"Well you didn't think it was some Asian did you?"

I stared at her.

"Oh" she laughed "you really were in for one hell of a shock then huh."

I rose my eyebrows and looked down again.

"My brother calls him squints- the whole highschool football team does actually. I guess he's the wide receiver. He's always squinting from the sun before he's able to find the ball or something cute like that."

"Oh" I nodded.

"Look, we don't have to go watch the movie with them if you're too chicken"

I rolled my eyes at her and stood up "Let's just go"


The sun was setting as the light brushed the taupe colored curtains.

We sat lined on the olive based couch. Josh sprawled out on the floor below us. I leaned against the armrest as Brit rested her legs across me, her head rested just before Sams legs. Jace on the other side of him.

We sat for countless hours. My legs becoming numb to the weight of her dead legs. She was passed out, her arm hanging off the couch, fingertips brushing Joshs tshirt. He lie still on his back, eyes closed, his hair framed his face, defying gravity.

Sams eyes were puffy and dry, his blinks slowing down. And past that, I wouldn't let my eyes travel further.

But I sensed the feeling that I was the only one awake. The feeling I got when I lay awake restlessly at three in the morning.

I sat with my hand proping up my heavy head. My eyelids were beginning to feel just as heavy.

The weight was taken off my lap. I looked over as I watched Brit nudge her brother awake on his face, tapping on his cheek.

He woke up, but didn't ask questions. He stood up and stumbled over Josh.

Brit lightly kicked him in the side with her foot. "Time for bed sleeping beauty."

They got up, once they were up I glanced over at Jace. His eyes were stricken to the TV. His jaw clinched, I watched his profile. His lips closed, then opened so slightly.

We were the only ones left in the quiet room.

He kept his eyes on the screen. He could feel my eyes on him. He licked his lips and finally glanced at me.

I didnt bother to look away. But watched his eyes, glared by the tv.

He smiled lightly and looked away, back at the movie.

The space between us on the couch shrunk, gradually.

His hand on the couch brushed the side of my leg.

His warmth grew closer.

I laid under my blankets silently. I wanted this for Margo. I thought it was what I wanted for her. But as I lie down, I watched. It was happening downstairs, everything that I'd always wanted, with him. It was always him.

He watches her, his gentle eyes making her feel warm. They get closer, consuming each others company. He's wanted this since the day he laid eyes on her. She's just recently realized what she wanted. He holds her, his hands gentle, her weak body easy to scare.  His thumbs brush her cheek. They're so close. He tells her how beautiful she is. She grins ever so slightly. Their kiss is gentle at first, taking in the sensation of the first time their lips touching actually meant something. They're quickly overcome with hunger. The hunger for each other. She crawls on top of his lap. Their lips not daring to move from each others. His shaky fingertips stay on her defined waist, feeling the urge to connect skin with skin. Their kiss isn't hungry, but forceful. The urge of wanting each other is almost unbearable. He smirks against her skin. She pulls away, her fingertips daring to pull at his shirt. She does. Drops it on the floor. Studies his toned body by the light of the tv. She wants to take it further. So does he.

My curiosity rang through my ears. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't want to. I stand, opening my door slowly, avoid the creaks. I creep down the hall. One foot, then the other. I knew I was right. I knew that's what they were doing. I didn't have to look to know.

I stepped down one step, then two. The couch came into view through the open stair case. They lay. Together. Eyes closed, in a wondered dream. His about her. Hers about her old life. It wasnt until then that I felt at ease. I could sleep.

Brits point of view incase I lost ya there^


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