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Dispite the occasional butt grab and the smell of sweaty old men, the concert was entertainment at its finest.

After getting over the fact that the only people our age there were perverted. The night, and the weekend passed quickly and the buzz at school about it was on going all week.

Friday was almost over, framing an extra boring school week.

I sit on the arm rest of Jaces couch. Where I was starting to find myself whenever there was free time.

My hands feel like school, and my gym clothes are still damp from running in the rain prior to the school day ending.

He sits facing me, his legs laying over my feet. 

"Come with me tomorrow?"

"Nah. Thats time with your dad. Im sure theres lots of catching up to do."

"I cant do it without you there Margo, I'll end up bailing"

"I have to go over to Brits"

"What time?"


"We'll be back by then"

I sigh, running my fingers in the end of my tangled hair. "I'll see if I can"

"Thank you" He sighs

"I'm not making any promises" My finger points at him. He takes onto it with his hand, pulling me towards him, but I dont budge.

"Come lay with me" He groans

"No. You're a terrible cuddler"

"Well what can I say? I don't do a whole lot of cuddling in my bed"

"Gross Jace"

"Dont worry I've been tested. Trust me"

I roll my eyes. The front door opens, causing us to both look over at it.

His mom stumbles in, slamming the door behind her.

"Jace" Her yells through the house ring in my ears, only being a short distance from her.

"Im right here mom"

"Make me some dinner"

"Youre really drunk again?"

She drags her feet across the floor past us.

"Shut the fuck up. Let me know when dinners ready I'll be in my room"

Her bedroom door closes down the hallway. I watch as Jace falls back onto the couch, sighing.

"Why do you live with her if she treats you like that"

"The same reason why you stay with your parents. I love her"

"...My parents offered you to stay at my place... if you ever need it."

He sits up, a confused look smeared across his face.
"Your parents hate me?"

"They feel bad"

"Im not some charity that needs funding. I can make due on my own"

"Well just know, that it's an option"

He stands "I have to start dinner."


I wake up the next morning. The light flooding across the hardwood floor through the blinds, leaving indented lines from the sun.

My clothes from the day before lace with left over smoke, in fear I feel as if my whole room was starting to smell of it. Like it used to. If my parents were to find out, there wasnt a way Id be allowed back in the same zip code.

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