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I hadn't missed the dreadful feeling of wanting to go back to bed but can't. And school Monday morning kindly reminded me of it.

Back at my old school I cared. Every morning I cared about my appearance. But I just don't have any energy anymore. Along with the fact that I didn't care.

I put on a pair of black ripped jeans and a sweater. Leaving my hair as It was, and did nothing else with myself.

Slipping on my shoes, I grabbed my bag from the floor and headed downstairs.

As I stood for the bus I prepared the lecture from my teachers for not doing the work I was supposed to over the week suspension. I prepared for my parents lecture for lying to them that it was done. I hadn't even stepped a foot on the bus and I was ready for the day to be over with.


Second period I walked into history and found Jace in one of the seats. But he looked at me aimlessly then turned to talk to someone, ignoring me.

I didn't have too many thoughts about it, instead I took a seat in the only empty desk in the class.

"Woah you're Margo Porter" I looked over at the girl next to me. Her black hair was tied in a knot at the top of her head, and her fake blue eyes widened as she looked at me.

"Have we met?"

"No- but like, everyones been talking about you since you punched Ashley Bennet"

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my hands. This wasn't how I wanted everyone to know me.

"I'm Brit"

I looked at her and half nodded, feeling my gaze go to Jace.

She followed my looks, then went back to me.

"You starin at Jace already huh?" She grinned

"No I-"

"You know I slept with him once"

I raised my eyebrow "Oh"

"Yeah, there was a freshman party last year. You know the typical ones where everyone goes and gets drunk and bangs in closets"

"You guys banged in a closet?"

"Oh, no"'

"Oh" I looked back down at the desk

"It was a pool table" She shrugged

I laughed and looked over at her.

"If you were to ask him now who I was he wouldn't be able to answer but, that was a good night. No strings attached right"

I focused on the lecture as much as I could and tried not to let my glance go back to Jace.

I knew the kind of guy he was from the day I met him, but I wasn't expecting him to have the nerve to do what he was doing- I thought he understood me.

The class dragged on forever, but eventually the bell rang dismissing us, and I made my way out to the hallway.

I ignored the looks the whole day. The feeling of knowing the fear of you, or the hatred for you is in everyone's mind  brings you down for sure.

I walked out of fourth period and approached my locker. Opening it I pushed my books on the top shelf.

I grabbed a binder and my textbook for fifth period, but felt someone standing next to me.

I looked up making eye contact with green, murky eyes, one surrounded with light purple bruises. Her blonde hair drug across the waistband of her light blue jeans. Her stomach showed slightly under her black loose shirt, and her nails tapped on the closed locker next to mine.

Ashely stood with another girl next to her. Dyed brown hair lay just below her shoulders, and her smirked lips were covered with gloss.

"Look at this Claire, the losers by herself"

"Loser? Really?" I laughed and shut my locker "Are you three? Look Ashley, I don't want to start more shit with you, so I'd suggest you get out of my face and move on"

She put her hand up to keep me from walking "Dont think you're getting away with what you did. I will socially destroy you before you even have time to get home to your rugged up family and get beaten some more."

"Shut the hell up" My steady voice raised

She raised her eyebrows and laughed while Claire smiled. "You gonna punch me again? Do it"

I looked at her then caught the eye of Jace. He was laughing with another guy. He turned, making eye contact with me. But he looked away and continued walking. He promised he'd be here if this happened. I didn't know why I would even keep a strangers word on something like that. But something about it was bugging me.

I had let myself cave into my emotions.

I breathed in and looked at her again "You're not worth another suspension you unlevel headed bitch, just leave me alone"

She scoffed, half laughing when I walked away. I knew I could deal with her just fine, I had before. And I would again if I needed to.

I walked into the doorway of the crowed classroom but felt a warm touch on my arm through the holes of my sweater.

I turned, he was closer than I thought.
Backing up I raised my eyebrows

"You ready to go?"

"I'm not going with you" I laughed


"Why?- you've basically pretended like I haven't existed all day"

"No I haven't"

"Really? What about a minute ago when dumb and dumber were harassing me? You just kept walking."

"I thought you had it under control-"

"Oh take your sorry excuse and shove it were someone will actually give a damn"

I glared at him, but his gentle eyes softened the grip that I had on my book. He looked at me apologetic, but didn't say anything. He didn't have to.

I searched his eyes as my voice came out quietly "Have fun in Algebra 2"

Turning around, I made my way to my seat, and didn't look back at the door. He wasn't going to do this to me. To many people have already used me, I didn't need another.

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