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"stay down here... I'll be down in a minute"

My head nods as I uncomfortably sit on the edge of the unfamiliar couch.
Running my hands along the expensive leather, I look around at the large house.

empty of desperate shout outs for help. this wasn't home, it couldn't be a home for anyone.

my glance grabs my attention at the sight of orange pill bottles sitting on a metal plate on the side counter.

I pick them up, reading Jaces name printed across them, throwing them into my purse.

my attention turns to the man walking through the door. there's a paused moment between us as we lock eyes.

he unpauses like the button hit play, he closes the door behind him, hanging his suit jacket over his arm,
"Jaces friend?"

I nod.

"Hes mentioned you...thought you were in juvie?"

"Got out." My voice stands sharp.

"What are you doing here anyway? My boy sounded pretty heartbroken last time he talked about you"

I stand from the couch. "Im taking him home with me."


"I saw, what you did to him. He's moving out"

His attitude snaps like a cord,
"Look I don't know who you are but you can't just come in here, thinking you can take my kid away from me"

he gets in my face, but I dont flinch; looking up at the man, my eyes peirced into him.

"Either he leaves with me, or I call the cops, they take him, and you spend the a few years in prison- your choice"

"Look," He backs down at the threat, sighing "Jace, he's, not well right now. He needs his parent"

"You mean the parent that beats him?"

He sits quiet for a moment, "Hes bipolar, he won't take his meds, he can't be distracted"

"Cops it is then?"

"No. Hes staying"

"Right" I chuckle lightly under my breath, watching as Jace carefully walks down the stairs, a duffle bag hanging from his shoulder.

He glances at his dad with cautious eyes, heading for the door before his dad had the chance to speak.

I follow after him, not hesitating to slam the door behind us.

"Seems like a dick" I breathe out

He shrugs, "Hes not that bad"

"Not according to the bruises on you"

"Shut the fuck up"

My eyebrows raise as I turn to look at him. He's stopped in the middle of the driveway, the bag on the ground. An angered expression across his face.

I sigh, picking up his bag,
"Im sorry jace"

He hesitates, but follows me back to my car.

I set his stuff in the back as he silently sits in the passenger side seat.

Pulling out before he changes his mind, I watch him instead of the road


"What." He glares

"Im sorry"

"Yeah" He rolls his eyes childishly, watching ahead of him.

"Im taking you to Sams, yeah?"

He doesn't respond. I sigh in the silence, desperate for him to answer me.

"Where you happy there? With your dad"

He shrugs

"Its not safe for you there..."

No response.

"We're gonna get you help okay? Anything you need, we'll figure it out... I miss you jace"

"Im right here" he stares

"This isn't you" My head shakes.

"What the fuck does that mean?"

I was the one not to respond this time. It's silent while I let his anger outburst calm down. I park in Sams driveway, shutting of the car.

"Look, im trying to be patient with you... but-"

"But what? I didn't ask for you to help me Margo."

"You need the help"

"And you think by pulling me out of my house and threatening to call the cops that you're helping me?"

"I was taking you away from him-"

"I didnt fucking need you to take me away" His voice rises in the confined area, "I was fine just the way I was"

"Jesus fucking christ Jace look at yourself. Is that what you want to be? Someone's punching bag? A medicine cabinet for drugs that you can't stop consuming?"

He just shakes his head angerly with annoyence.

"You need to start taking your meds" I sigh, my voice calm.

"I dont like them"

"I dont care. I don't like you. Not when you're like this"

"Thats real nice of you, bitch"

"Dont be an asshole just because you know I'm right"

"In case you haven't fucking noticed, im already going through a lot of shit right now. The last thing I need is for you to add to it by sending me to a fricken shrink"

"I'm just asking you to take the God damn meds"

"You dont get to decide things for me Margo."

Silence falls between us, my finger lightly taps at the wheel.

"Do you remember when we first met? The bench at the park. I was hating the world and you told me, the whole world was shit, that there was no getting away from it?"

He nods silently.

"the world's going to shit again- there isn't getting away from it; so could you at least try and make it better?"

He remains silent, so I continue

"I love you, a lot. I just want you better. I miss your dumb smile and your stupid pep talks while I'm going ballistic. You're my rock, I need you there for me."

He makes eye contact with me, his lips twitch at the words he's trying to form,
"I'll take them"

"You will?"

He nods, a small, scared expression on his face.

I mirror his actions, releasing the air being held for the both of us,
"You won't be alone in this... Im here"

"Im gonna need a lot of fucking help" He makes a genuine eye contact with me for the first time since the car ride started. .

"I'll stop by everyday. Okay?"

He nods, bitting the inside of his lip.

I watch him silently for a moment before speaking,

"Lets get you settled in inside? Yeah?"

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