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I glance behind me to the gaurd at the door. A smile plasters over my face as I look around.

"Aye, we'll miss you Priss"

"Yall know where I live" I joke "Whenever 'yous get out"

"Oh we'll be there, throwing a big old mother fucking party"

Cackles echo through the empty room abrupting my happiness. I had grown family with them in the past time. And I wasnt allowed back in my real one.

I walk with the gaurd, grabbing my stuff in a plastic bag from the desk. The releasing took seconds, but time stood still. This is what I was waiting for, for the past five months. It didn't feel as perfect as expected

"You have someone picking you up Porter?"

"Should be here soon" I nod, glancing around the still lot.

"I ain't gonna wait here all day"
The African American gaurd put her hands on her wide hips.

"Thats him" I nudge towards the Sudan pulling in.

"Dont come back" She purses

"No ma'am"


"When are you planning on taking out the corn rows?"

I shrug in the silence of the car between Sammy and I.

"Squints is really gonna-"

"Dont- fucking talk about Jace okay? Im not seeing him no more"



"Look I gotta talk to you about something- just listen. You'll have your time to talk"

My eyes roll, resting my head aginst the window,
"Go 'head"

"Jace has been under a lot lately" He looks over or his shoulder to change lanes, "His mom, still in prison... hes close but doesn't have the money... hes dropped out of school for the year, all while he juggles jobs after jobs that are taking advantage of him. He needs someone there for him"

"He should have fucking thought about that before he fucked one of my friends, huh?"

"He still hasn't let that go, you need to before he can accept it"

"Fuck that, he's such a fucking-"

"Okay first off, stop saying the word "fuck", you're not in a gang anymore. And show a little leniency on the kid, you guys are fifteen years old for God sakes- you're gonna fuck up"

"Seventeen" I mummble

"Whatever" he sighs, "im driving you, to my house, where brit and Jace are, to see them because they fricken miss you alright? We all miss you."

"I cant go home anyway"


"My moms gone... my dads a fucking asshole- fricken asshole. Sorry"

"Hey family- picked up a homeless on the street needing a ride" Sam walks through the door to his house, I stand behind him awkwardly for a few seconds, trying to process being back, new furniture.

"Oh my shit" Brits body came before her grin, consuming me with her perfume laced clothes. Her large sweatshirt covered half of her bare thin legs. She pulled away, looking at me,
"Shit best friend look at you. This hair"

I nod, grinning lightly.

"Looking like a real bad ass as usual... I thought you had another month left?"

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