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I tie my laced up one piece in the back. A pair of jeans, rolled up to go over, and a stripped tshirt. I throw a sweatshirt over it.

My hair in a bun and some makeup, the clock nears ten thirty.

I grab my things. Walking down the hallway and knocking on my dads door. No response.

I crack the door a little, seeing the lump on the bed.

"Damn it Margo. Close the door its too bright."

"Sorry dad... can I go out with some friends?"

"I dont care. Just close the door."

My eyes widdened as I quietly shut the door. I was preparing myself for an argument. One that I never got.

I grabbed my keys and my backpack, heading out. Finding myself speeding through the back roads in order to get there by eleven.

I park my car at the side of her driveway.

My knuckles knocked aginst the white paint of the door.

Brit answered with a shreek.

"Youre here!"

"Im here!" I responded, as I walked in.

"Jace lets go!" She called through her house towards the living room.

"Is Sam not here?" I ask

"No he is. Hes still sleeping. He went out with Josh and Princess over here last night." She nudged Jace with her elbow after he walked in. Sunglasses overed his face.

"Guess they got pretty trashed."
She continued. "I walked in his room last night to grab something and he woke up, telling me to 'Stay Gold Ponyboy' ".

I stared at her blankly before cracking a smile "You dont know what thats from do you?"

"Nah" she shrugged

I watched Jace smile at her.

"Anyway, we need to go" She sighed, grabbing her bag off the chair by the door.

She walked ahead of us. Jace resting his hand on my lower back as he lead me out the door.

"You hung over?" I shut the door behind us.


I laughed "Where did you guys go last night?"

"Stopped by Mays party for a while."

"May?" I opened the back door, getting in.

"My girlfriend"

I sat silent for a minute as I watched Brit. She smeared lipgloss across her plumped lips, watching in the review mirror.

He got in the front and turned to watch me. Holding his sunglasses in his hand.

"You have a girlfriend" I mummbled through gritted teeth.

"Nah" He grinned. "Just wanted to see what youd say"

"Youre an asshole."

"Oh trust me baby girl, I know."

He turned up the radio as Brit pulled out. With the warm air blasted, she rolled down the windows to let in the days cooled crisp air.

I remembered her always doing this when we went out somewhere. She used to say that it was something nobody really thought about doing. It was different. And that she liked different.

But it was something so typical for her. She was her own kind of person. The way she lived life, it was envied. She didnt have a group she belonged in, because she fit in everywhere.

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