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September 8, 2017

I brushed out my freshly cut chocolate hair. Chopped down to the length of my shoulders, straitened with the warm iron that laid on the counter next to me.

My face contoured to a T, and my eyelashes longer with a few coats of mascara. A full face of makeup.

I brushed off my skirt, layered with a colored tshirt and laced sandals.

Today was the first day at a public school in almost a year. And I was myself again.

My smile was framed with vanilla sented gloss, I had forgotten what it was like to be confident.


"Coming!" I responded to my moms echoed voice downstairs

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked downstairs.

"You look beautiful hun"

She'd only ever say that when I had makeup on. I hadnt realised it before.


I stepped out of the car into the humid fall, California air. The last time I was here, I was ignoring life and everything else that came with it. In the back of my head I imagined, the taunts, the dirty looks, the hatred from everyone coming back.

Whos left? Whos changed? Or whos stayed the exact same?

I walked in through the doors, swallowing down every ounce of anxiety I had in my body.

I walked in, grabbing my schedule from the office, and no more than three minutes later, I was shoving my stuff in my locker. The halls empty, just before they let anyone upstairs.

I grabbed my books for AP English. I had none of the average grade classes.

Footsteps grew up the hallway, kids rushing in. Buzzing with excitement from the long summer vacation. Then, the familiar face. The black hair, the blue eyes. The ever so pale skin. She was in a group, walking, watching the other way. She walked by. But no sign of eye contact.

I made my way to class. Sitting down, I surrounded myself with seniors. There was a girl. My grade. I had noticed her before. Her dark eyes peirced through my skin. She was watching me. I noticed the blonde hair, the dark leather jacket she still had on. It was the girl. The one I didnt know. The one who showed up to my house every Wednesday for the past year. Her eyes widened as I made eye contact with her. But she never spoke. The whole class, afterwards. Nothing.

Lunch. The bell rung but I stuck up in hall. Pushing my books in my locker, I stood there. Watching nothing but emptyness.

There was a slam on the ground. Echoing, causing me to jump, slightly I turned. I watched her.

Her turquoise ringed fingers covered her face, tears streaming down her warm cheeks. Books sprawled out on the tiled floor that she had dropped.

She broke down, watching me with red eyes. She rushed to me, hugged me, taking me in. Squeezing tightly.

"Hey, Brit" I whispered.

"I fucking hate you" She cried into my shoulder

"I know... Im sorry"

She pulled away and smiled, "You look so different...And youre not in black"

"Ive had some time to change" I shrugged.

She shook her head. "I cant believe its really you... I thought you... I mean you just dissapeared, nobody knew where you went..."

"I wasnt allowed to have contact with anyone"

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